455 articles related to "college articles"

Text Books Measure Will Give College Students a Break on Text Book Prices

When the US House passes a bill that is intended to give college students a break in the price of their text books, this will be a first for the senate regarding text book price legislation.Many college universities and state colleges will implement ...

College Articles  college articles books students legislation price bill
7 Suggestions for Choosing a College When the College Chooses You

How do I choose a college that is right for me? This is the question that I’m asked at least once a week. And frankly, it isn’t easy trying to explain to students (and their parents) one very basic fact of the college admissions process: You don...

College Articles  college articles admissions field
How to Wear a Graduation Hood?

Each level of degree has different hoods. Degree holder person wear different hoods of different color and in different style like MA degree holder wear Black silk, lined with white silk, BA degree holder wear Black silk, edged with orange silk and b...

College Articles  college articles academic hood wear degree regalia hoods
Looking For a Rewards Program That Offers Free Money for College Students?

With the rising cost of books, tuition and housing, it's no wonder that college students are looking for ways to cash in on anything that can lighten their financial load. It isn't easy trying to balance an exciting social life, education a...

College Articles  college articles rewards money students cash
Free Money For College

What if someone came up to you and offered you $5000 to attend college? Or after college, what if someone called you and asked if you wanted a couple thousand dollars to pay off some student loans? The obvious answer is, “Where do I sign up?” But...

College Articles  college articles money into
Making the Most of Your Summer

At last, summer is here! After a school year full of hard work, you can finally put away your books, break out your bikinis, and soak up the sunshine. This is not only what you deserve but in fact what you need: If you have been working to your...

College Articles  college articles summer students school weeks
Interpreting College Writing Assignments: What's Your Professor Asking You to Do?

It’s not even two weeks into the new semester, and it’s already happened; your professor has just assigned the dreaded research paper. Even though it isn’t due for months, your diligent instructor has already passed out a three-page overview of...

College Articles  college articles professor paper topic need
Research the Old-Fashioned Way: Why the Library is Not Obsolete

Although researching and writing a college paper has never been child’s play, it was a bit more straightforward and less complicated before the advent of the Internet. Aspiring student researchers simply visited their university’s library, where ...

College Articles  college articles databases library online libraries
What to Look for When Choosing an Online Degree Program

Choosing an online education program should be exciting and fun. While there a many good, recognized diploma or degree programs available through online education, choosing the one which is right for you can seem like a daunting task.There are many f...

College Articles  college articles online delivery experience
College Roommates Part II - Life After Dorms

College Roommates Part II - Life After Dorms Most incoming college freshmen live in the dorms their first year. In my opinion this is a wise decision and an excellent opportunity to experience new things. However, not all freshmen live in the dorms...

College Articles  college articles apartment condo living roommates friends live