203 articles related to "humor"

Opposite Attracts Laughter!

How do comedy writers come up with endless funny ideas? Basically they employ the technique called ASSOCIATION. They pair up or associate different images, words and thoughts together until they reach a hilarious result. The most popular and obvious...

Humor  humor incongruity ideas technique bird
Have Simple Labels Gone Out The WIndow?

Frivolous lawsuit claims are taking labeling in a whole new direction that borderline on silliness. Some labels wording is so off that you wonder what the manufacturer was thinking. While labels provide relevant information that many consumers find u...

Humor  humor labels obvious food
Funny T-shirts - Give the Gift of Laughter

It used to be that knowing a good joke or one-liner was the way of giving the gift of laughter. It still is. But, for those of us who have a hard time remembering jokes or coming up with our own, we have turned to wearing funny t-shirts in order to d...

Humor  humor gift funny shirt shirts joke
Pardon Me, But I Thought Free, Freebie, No Cost, Free Download As Well As Many Others, Meant Just That!

You all know what I am referring to and I'm sure you are as fed up as I am with all the parsing of common words to misrepresent something, someone or both. The parsing of commonly held words is stupid and will not be tolerated by the masses any ...

Humor  humor words freebie held
The 5th Way Team Discusses Physical Fitness

It is Wendell's first time with the 5th Way team at their gym. Let's see what happens through Wendell's eyes. Addison: "Wendell, since this is your first time here I would like for you to just go around the gym observing what everyone...

Humor  humor wendell addison there
A Humorous Bow Hunting Story

A man and his friend were bow hunting elk in the Colorado mountains near Stoner Colorado. They rode their horse's from early morning until late evening. The high mountain terrain was very rough with tree's blown down and large boulders in t...

Humor  humor friend morning hunter most
Happily On The Evil Side

This morning when I was still half asleep, my beloved cat bit me in the heel and woke me up. I kicked him hard in the stomach, to my own surprise. But not his. Tim is probably better acquainted to my tempers than myself. I would often act like an a...

Humor  humor times love head towards
Oil Update From BP: A Bear Ate The Pipeline

Earlier reports that BP closed its Alaska pipeline due to corrosion have turned out to be erroneous. The company, noticing growing rancor that it would allow such a vital link to corrode to the point of desuetude, altered its story, saying that subse...

Humor  humor bear berry company alaska pipeline
Quick Question: Does God Advocate Murder?

It appears, scandalously enough, to be the question Islamic terrorism foists on us. Of course, there are times when a chancy question can diplomatically be allowed to slip by unanswered, especially by a humor magazine. But there are also times when, ...

Humor  humor murder times question
Lose Your Job Now: 5 Tips to Get to Severance Heaven

You've schemed, you've scammed, you've plotted, but the elusive layoff has evaded you for the last time. Your desire to go to that spacious severance-package-in-the-sky needs to be fulfilled without further ado. How will you get upper ...

Humor  humor youaposre work