1,369 articles related to "parenting"

Baby Monitors - Wireless and Wired

Baby monitors control elements useful for carers or parents, as they provide the freedom to set your baby to rest while you keep doing the regular work from home - or perhaps watching television - knowing your baby is being monitored safely. Technolo...

Parenting  parenting baby monitor monitors interference wireless there
Questions to Ask a Nanny or a Babysitter Prior to Hiring Them

Your child deserves the best babysitter or nanny in your area to see to his needs. And for your peace of mind, you need to hire somebody who is more than just appropriate for the job. This is why you spent so much time going over classified ad listin...

Parenting  parenting nanny applicant babysitter questions right need
Where Do Your Priorities Fit?

Where Do Your Priorities Fit? by: Don Schmitz An expert in time management was speaking to a group of business students when he decided to do an experiment. He pulled out a large mason jar, a dozen fist-sized rocks and carefully placed them, one...

Parenting  parenting rocks class asked full time
Responsible Fatherhood - A Unique And Irreplaceable Role

Responsible Fatherhood - A Unique And Irreplaceable Role by: Frank McGinty Something happened the other day that made me feel uneasy. Yet I shouldn't have felt that way! My wife had left for work and I was hanging the washing out to dry. A...

Parenting  parenting involved family dads role hanging
Science Toys are Educational Toys

Science Toys are Educational Toys by: Ted Moryto My son Jack had been quietly playing with his Meccano set when we heard him scream, sweet! What a cool toy, my friend Dave said, it's a ferris wheel. It's a solar powered ferris wheel, s...

Parenting  parenting dave toys educational games
Ouch! Baby's First Shots

Ouch! Baby's First Shots by: Michelle Higgins Now that your bundle of joy has arrived, it is your responsibility to keep her safe and healthy. Immunizations/vaccinations protect your baby from serious and some life-threatening illnesses. T...

Parenting  parenting child vaccine infection baby serious immunization
Learning Vision Skills in Preschool Helps a Baby"s Learning for Life

Learning vision skills is a vital half of a kid's improvement within the preschool years. Learning vision skills lays the groundwork for future educational achievement, as a result of these are the constructing blocks upon which a child's s...

Parenting  parenting skills vision learning childapossin preschool
Natural Gender Selection: Boy or Girl? The Choice is Yours!

Dear Friends, Upon discussing the possibility of having kids, with my wife, we both come to the conclusion that we wanted to have a girl first, and then a boy. Today, we are able to live that dream due to effective, natural methods of gender selecti...

Parenting  parenting methods natural gender selection wife
Finding a Good Child Care Centre

For parents of infants and toddlers, selecting from a list of reputable child care centres in Singapore may be a daunting task. It is a vital decision which troubles parents as child care centres are given the responsibility of enriching the life of ...

Parenting  parenting parents child centres care children staff
College Savings Reward Plans - Making Them Work for You

College Savings Reward Plans - Making Them Work for You by: Tim Paul You are probably well aware that college costs are soaring and that the need for parents to build college savings has never been greater. You may also be aware of various loyal...

Parenting  parenting college card rewards credit savings upromise