694 articles related to "religion"

The New Planetary Consciousness

The momentum towards a new planetary consciousness has clearly begun in 2007. The many events that have transpired both for individuals, and for humanity as a whole this year, have left a mark of truth imprinted upon the collective consciousness. It ...

Religion  religion light consciousness divine
A Little Bit Discussion On Prophecy

The prophetic gift existed long before the prophetic office was instituted. Thus Enoch had the former (Jude 14); so Abraham is called a prophet (Ge 20:7) as are also the patriarchs (Ps 105:15). The office was first instituted under the Mosaic economy...

Religion  religion dispensation prophetic gift prophets mosaic office
Church Pews: A Historical Perspective

Churches have seen a lot of radical changes over the last couple of centuries. Some of the changes have revolved around ideologies while some were reflected in the different styles of church pews that have evolved over the years. Some of the early ...

Religion  religion pews churches church seating there
Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton And Mysticism?

We haven't spoken in this account of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton about any visions, locutions or mysticism. Quite honestly, that's because we haven't come across anything of that nature. And Mother Seton had always been a very down-to-eart...

Religion  religion elizabeth cooper lord dubourg from
Visions of Heaven

Saint Mary Magdalen de Pazzi Saint Mary Madgalen de Pazzi had many visions of Heaven and Hell and among them was a vision of a professed Religious who suffered greatly toward the end of her life. The Community prepared the Sister's body and it...

Religion  religion mary sister magdalen life holy
Pray For Lyrics: The Power of Lyrics in Praying for Another or for a Definite Purpose

Have you ever had a time when you wanted to pray for another person, either who is sick or in need, or for something in particular, but somehow the words didn't quite seem to be coming together, either due to emotional or other reasons?. Yes, I...

Religion  religion lyrics pray prayer prayers lord
"Mind" and "Moral" Dimensions of The Human

(If you wish to more benefit from this article please read first our "Correct Understanding the Human" titled article.) I had talked about five dimensions of the human existence at my previous article. There are "Subtance dimension", "Physiologycal...

Religion  religion human dimension wishes desires heart
Organizing Your Church Building Committee

Selecting the right leaders, assigning the right responsibilities to the right people, recruiting, training, evaluating, and retaining the working body are some of the keys to a successful church building project. The first step is organizing your bu...

Religion  religion committee building right leadership steering chairperson people body
Christ's Way of Salvation

Did you know that Christ has His own way of Saving men on the day of God's wrath? Born Again Christian believe that by just believing Christ and accepting Him as a personal savior is enough for us to be saved. Other sects and churches also said...

Religion  religion christ church saved ibid enter
We Are Not Alone! We Are Never Alone! We Have Never Been Alone!

On Wednesday, the 8th of December, we and Mother Church, celebrate the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Our Popes all had a devotion to the Holy Rosary: On September 17, 1569, Pope St. Pius V promulgated devotion to...

Religion  religion rosary mary pope mother blessed holy pius