694 articles related to "religion"

Father Junipero Serra's Last Days In California

"I shall not turn back! It took Father Serra almost twenty years, from the time he was first summoned to come to the New World and serve in the missions, before he got to his first California Mission in San Diego, in what is today the State of Calif...

Religion  religion father diego serra california years first
The Antichrist

The Bible tells us that in the last days one man will rule the world. He will rule over the entire human race politically, economically, and religiously, speaking great blasphemies against God and setting himself up in the Temple as God himself. But ...

Religion  religion rule bible antichrist rebellion destroyed
Just Surrender

Surrendering seems to be the last thing you'd want to do when it comes to your mental health. After all, "Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour (1 Peter 5:8 NIV)." But there is a place for surrender...

Religion  religionever trials things trust
The Death and Life of a Believer

The Death and Life of a Believer What is meant by you died with Christ and you were made alive with Christ - What does the Inspired Word teach about the Spirit-born believer's identification with Christ's death and identification with His ...

Religion  religion christ identification jesus scripture second
Awareness = Possibility

Just as people often resist being awakened from physical sleep, they are much more resistant being awakened from spiritual sleep. Many people have had moments of spiritual awakening, only to ignore them and return to the comfort of their previous rou...

Religion  religion people spiritual sleep morning spirituality return
Trinitarian Resurrection II

What is true in heaven will one day be true on earth. And the one thing that we know for sure about the earth is that we are here in our bodies. We can doubt everything else, but we cannot doubt the existence of our own bodies. We may not know what t...

Religion  religion reality glory earth bodies resurrection heaven
God's Timetable

I've heard an expression many times over the years: God is never late. On the other hand, perhaps, a good expression for us would be: we are never patient. So how can we figure out God's timetable? First, let's admit that we really ar...

Religion  religion letaposs timetable godaposs prayer
Love Doesn't Babble

"Love never ends" (1 Corinthians 13:8), or as the King James Bible reads, "Charity never faileth." Fails is the better translation of the Greek. To say that love never ends makes it into a statement about time and duration, whereas to say that love n...

Religion  religion love christ tongues perfect eternity
Love is Not...

Love is not irritable or resentful. Love is not easily annoyed, nor is it bitter or indignant. We could add that love is not cynical either, in that cynicism is closely related to irritability and resentment. This means that these characteristics are...

Religion  religion love world christ cynicism things
Purgatory: The Soul Merchandise of the Roman Catholic Church

Persecutors of the Church of Christ mostly Catholics told me that the Church of Christ is not really a religion but a group posing as a religion of Christ aiming to earn money by collecting money from its members. However, when I joined the Church a...

Religion  religion church doctrine catholic roman christ purgatory