2,242 articles related to "women"

Suffering From Osteoarthritis Pain Natural Relief Is Available

It is clearly evident that hyaluronic acid in its oral form supports optimal joint health. The reality of the situation is that after 65 years of age approximately 30 percent of all doctor visits will be related to pain caused by osteoarthritis. Thi...

Women  women hyaluronic acid pain collagen iireg biocell osteoarthritis
How to Care for your Filigree Chandelier Earrings

How to Care for your Filigree Chandelier Earrings by: Marifer Vergara Chandelier Earrings are the hottest accessory this year and they are here to stay. At EarringsETC.com we only sell handmade earrings in a technique called Mompox Filigree. We ...

Women  women earrings silver chandelier clean filigreed jewelry
Anu Celtic Goddess of Fertility

Anu, the Celtic goddess of fertility, also known as Anann or Danu, has been revered by the people of Ireland for thousands of years. Her name derives from the Celtic word for “wealth” or “abundance”. This beautiful goddess is associated with ...

Women  women goddess aspect fertility earth mother
Insights on Infidelity from Hillary Clinton’s Book

Of the various topics discussed in Hillary Clinton’s “Living History”, the topic that has gained the most attention is the Clinton-Lewinsky affair. Since infidelity now affects 80% of all marriages, it’s easy to understand why. The Clinton-Le...

Women  women infidelity affair clinton history marriage
Gemstone Rings, History And Information

Gemstone Rings, History And Information by: www.kaisilver.com Mankind has believed in the special powers and capabilities of gemstones since many centuries. Gemstones were earlier worn as simple pendants or amulets and supposed to protect the pe...

Women  women rings gemstone gemstones birthstone
Hair Removal - Choose From Nine Methods

Hair Removal - Choose From Nine Methods by: Mike Jones Use this overview to re-examine your current hair removal method to ensure you are using the best possible method FOR YOU! #1: Depilatories Depilatories as a hair removal method are quick ...

Women  women hair method removal results skin permanent inexpensive
Jeans For Work Or Sexy Jeans

Jeans For Work Or Sexy Jeans by: Mike YeagerA little over a century ago Levi Strauss invented to first modern jeans. Introduced originally as rugged, durable clothing for hard working men and women, today all social classes feel comfortable in j...

Women  women jeans comfortable durable look
10 Things to Know About Silence in Communication

One of the most important parts of any conversation is the silence. Silence can serve many functions in a conversation and how you manage it determines your level of sophistication. Here are some points to keep in mind about silence in communication....

Women  women silence person conversation indicate listening
Nantosuelta Gallic Protective Goddess

Nantosuelta"Winding River". A Gallic protective goddess and goddess of water. Among the Mediomatrici of Alsace she is often portrayed holding a model of a house, indicating a domestic function. Nantosuelta was the consort of Sucellos, the God of Agri...

Women  women water goddess celtic associated river celts
Be Thankful You Have a Faithful Husband

Be Thankful You Have a Faithful Husbandby Ruth Houston © 2003If your husband is faithful, you have much to be thankful for. Faithful husbands are in short supply. While 3 out of 4 wives assume their husbands are faithful, only 1 wife in 4 can tr...

Women  womenkful husband marriage faithful husbands signs