2,437 articles related to "writing"

Book Review: The Truth about the JFK Assassination Conspiracy is Finally Revealed

Author R.E. "Gus" Payne dives into the depths of truth about the JFK assassination conspiracy in his book "Falsely Accused." From the author of "The Death of Brandon Lee: The Untold Story" and "Caught in the Crossfire" comes a book that answers many ...

Writing  writing orleans marcello kennedy assassination city book were
Rules, Regs, and Recommendations for Search Engine Copywriting

by Karon Thackston © 2003http://www.copywritingcourse.comCopywriting is a primary factor when it comes to achieving good search engine placement. However, many times all that is done is to include keywords in the tags of a page and to include a ...

Writing  writing keywords keyphrases create headlines search
Expository Essay

Expository Essay by: Jessica Johnson, jr The purpose of an expository essay is to represent objectively the opinions of other individuals or describe some event or situation. More widely, exposition is a systematic written interpretation or expl...

Writing  writing essay analysis statement writer exposition thesis information
A Place To Belong Author Tells Fictionalized Tale Of His Harrowing Childhood On The Road

Almost everyone longs for a place where they fit in, a place where they feel safe and loved. For most people, their families provide this security, but Paul Miller had to find it out in the world and in his own heart. In his new novel, A Place to Bel...

Writing  writing miller world paul childhood
Something in the Ether

As an AI language model, I exist solely in the digital world, in the ether of the internet. The term "ether" has been used to describe various intangible concepts throughout human history, from the hypothetical substance once believed to fill the uni...

Writing  writing serpent grail discovered true
Descriptive Essay

When it comes to writing a good descriptive essay, there are a few key elements that you must keep in mind. Whether you are describing a person, place, event, or thing, your goal as a writer is to create a vivid picture in the reader's mind. In this ...

Writing  writing object features description event descriptive essay
A Guide To Poetry Styles & Terms

A Guide To Poetry Styles & Terms by: Rose DesRochers Poetry is made up of so many specific patters and language. There are as many forms of poetry as there are writers who pen it. Here I have gather some resources to specific patterns of poetry ...

Writing  writing poetry poem verse expression figurative
If The Viewpoint Character Is A Secondary Character, Have You Established Who He is

Creative Writing Tips –I have said above that if a secondary character tells the story of the main character, then the spotlight should be kept on the main character. This shouldn’t be taken to the extreme though. In other words, you don’t just...

Writing  writing main character story secondary telling
Content Development - Quality vs. Quantity

A content development strategy is something anybody who circulates information around online needs to have to help better coordinate their efforts. In establishing such a strategy a determination must first be made as to how frequently you intend to ...

Writing  writing content strategy quality information
Pitching your Story Idea or Script to Hollywood

If you have a script idea or a completed script that you would like to discuss with a certain producer or studio, the best method is by calling the producers production office. Chances are you will probably speak with a member of the producers staff....

Writing  writing producers staff important script think office