30 Second Elevator Pitch do you have one

What's an "elevator pitch"?

As you start your new business, you'll be asked many, many (did I say "many"?) times, "What do you DO for a living?", "What business are you in?". I'm sure you have passion about your new enterprise, you're highly skilled, extremely qualified... but you stammer and stutter and can't quite come up with a blurb that sounds professional as well as showing your great enthusiasm for your business.

Being able to clearly state your profile is often called an "elevator" pitch (it has to be able to be stated when you're in an elevator before the doors open!), a "sales" pitch, a "30 second" or "3 minute" speech or spiel...

What's the secret of the elevator pitch?

Well, it helps if you can clearly and concisely explain what your business does - in a maximum of 3 minutes. Remember - NO negative words, only positive words! Fill in the form on the page, show it to friends & associates, revise it, say it over and over until it comes easily off the tongue... and won't that impress new people you meet!

What are the benefits?

It costs you nothing, it helps clarify WHO you are and WHAT you do, it attracts new customers, and shows how professional you are in regard to your business.

"I'm shy!" I hear you say... If you're trying to find new customers, you have to learn to be confident - you don't have time to be shy... follow the steps listed below and fine-tune your pitch, repeat it often until you sound great! Test it on friends, family, business associates - listen to their suggestions and rewrite until it's just right.

Suggestion :: type it or write it on the back of business card or something small to keep in your wallet, where you can see it often and practice it.

Good morning, I'm Debbie Goodie-TwoShoes and I am the owner of Tappitty Tap Tap Shoes. I provide the smallest tap dancing shoes in the country. I've reached a new audience of pet actors and people from all walks of life. My tap shoes for pets provide hours of fun for audiences in theatres and in movies.
................ end sample................

Think you can do better than this? Give it a shot...

Let's get started!

1. Who are you?

Example answer: I'm Teena Hughes, Director of BuildAWebsiteTonight.com, Author of "Writing a 3 Minute Pitch".

Write or type your answer:


2. What do you do?

Example answer: I provide techniques to help business people write a successful 3 minute business profile.

Write or type your answer:


3. Who do you do it for? (... why do you do it, who are your customers?)

Example answer : I work with everyone who wants to be confident when providing their first contact pitch regarding their business and/or service.

Write or type your answer:


4. What are the benefits of someone using your product/service?

Example answer: My customers have increased confidence when using their pitch or profile whether one-on-one or in large groups, speaking with great ease. It eliminates hesitation when asked, "What do you do?", and gets to the point immediately, leaving the other person in no doubt whatsoever about your business.

Write or type your answer:

Words and phrases to avoid.
Don't limit yourself!
I only...
I could possibly...
If only I could...
Soon I will...
It should be ok
I'll do my best...
No problem... (avoid this negative one!)

Q : Can you come up with a strong, positive alternative to any of these?

Q : Have you caught yourself saying any of these words or phrases above? Time for change!


Sound confident - your new pitch will impress everyone.

Your words are important - use the right ones to always sound positive and excited about your business.

Try not to sound too giggly or immature - you can easily make yourself sound professional and friendly by carefully choosing your words.

Using weak words (as shown above) makes you come across as being indecisive, not quite in control, unable to be positive about what you're doing and when you plan to do it.

Pay more attention to the way you answer the phone, talk with a prospective client, follow up a lead... and be brave enough to change your words if you need to!


Think you can now write about YOUR business, product or service? Take a deep breath, and start getting your thoughts on paper or computer.

It may take a few goes to get it just right, but keep at it - a fabulous 30 second pitch is worth its weight in gold!

About the Author

© Teena Hughes is the Director of BuildAWebsiteTonight.com, a website where you can build your own site online - with no skill - no fear - with no additional costs to update your site. Teena has been involved in the I.T. industry for over twenty years and has written many articles and ebooks, and loves to help people get their business started.
