4 Things to Remember as a Newbie

1. Differ wants from needs
Once you are in the business you will probably find that in the beginning you might be overwhelmed by lots of sources that will tell you to get this and that, and maybe to upgrade a myriad of things that feels totally strange to you. Most of these upgrades and purchases, if not all, will probably be necessary eventually down the road, and if you have the extra cash to spend on it, more power to you. However, if you are anything like me, you don't want to blow more money than you need to, and in the beginning there has to be some investments made. This is after all a business you are starting up. The investments could come at advisable times though, differentiate between things you want, and things you need. For example, if you start out with a Plug-in-Profit site which will include an ezine through an autoresponder, then make sure that autoresponder is not putting in any ads and the like, even if this means making an investment into making it to a registered version. In essence, what you want is to get the maximum Return on Investment (ROI) on your purchases, and you might not be getting that if for example you upgrade an affiliate program without anyone in your downline. Another example is buying services to submit your ezine to directories or announcement pages; is this something that can be done? Of course, but you can also do it yourself, given you have to spend a lot more time one it, but the results will probably be the same and you wouldn’t have to spend a dime.

2. Backup all your work/information/stuff...
A good habit to learn is to make consecutive backups of all your work to an external source such as disc, floppy, thumb drive....the choices are many. It is a fact that any storage device will eventually brake down and the information on it will be lost, and in knowing that we should determine the best cause of action to prevent that we loose our vital information. I recommend getting a USB thumb drive with enough space for all your work (homepages, articles...you name it..). Why a thumb drive you might ask, well, these small little devices can be inserted into any computer with a USB port (the name of a certain jack on the back of the computer which is incorporated into most computers today, although it is also installed at the front of the computer more and more) and be ready for use without any software being installed, similar to a floppy disc, but a lot more space to put stuff into. So all in all this will provide you with a guarantee that all your hard work won’t disappear into thin air because of a computer failure.

3. Reinvest
This step is to determine how to use the income wisely once you start receiving them. First I must congratulate you for getting as far as you have since you are reading this step, and if you are not there yet, don’t worry, you can read this for future reference. The first thing that comes to mind when receiving your first check might be "lets go spend it!!!". This course of action, however enjoyable, might not be fully advisable. I suggest taking at least 50% of your income and reinvesting it into your online marketing campaign, even if one comes to a point where the business is self sustaining, it would still benefit from more power to increase its marketing efforts. In essence the more hay you give your cash cow the more milk it will produce, and thus it will be profitable and very advisable to follow this course of action.

4. Networking
Once again it is time to emphasize on the power of networking and why you should continue to pursue it. Through networking, opportunities, ideas, tips and tricks about the business can be obtained, and down the road even well profitable joint ventures could be established which would benefit all parties involved in it.
Networking involves everything which has to do with communicating with other parties, be it talking to a friend, a person in your downline, or just simply posting on a message board. The ways are many and the future opportunities are infinite, or to quote a friend I know; "your opportunities are all that you want them to be, if you want them bad enough".

About the Author

Kaveh Fard is currently running a free ezine about home based businesses
which can be joined at:
or, you can check out his homepage at: