A Manager's PR Paradigm

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Word count is 815 including guidelines and resource box.
Robert A. Kelly © 2004.

A Manager’s PR Paradigm

If you manage a department, division or subsidiary for a
business, non-profit or association, your primary public
relations model probably should read this way: people act
on their own perception of the facts before them, which
leads to predictable behaviors about which something
can be done. When we create, change or reinforce that
opinion by reaching, persuading and moving-to-desired-
action the very people whose behaviors affect the
organization the most, the public relations mission is

Properly executed, this comprehensive blueprint will
help you persuade your key external stakeholders to your
way of thinking, then move them to take actions that lead
to your unit’s success.

And, as you move the emphasis of the public relations
crew assigned to your operation from communications
tactics to the model outlined above, YOU move ever
closer to personal success as a unit manager.

Here’s why. The blueprint demands of you a sharper focus
on the very groups of outside people who play a major role
in just how successful a manager you will be – your key
external audiences.

Like most managerial initiatives you implement, your new
public relations blueprint also will require aggressive

So, sit down with your PR people and explore why it’s so
important to know how your operation is perceived by
those target audience members. Make certain everyone
around the table understands (and accepts) the reality that
those perceptions just about always result in predictable
behaviors that help or hinder your operation.

Which is precisely why your team will need to interact with
your key target audience and ask a number of questions as
part of this initial perception monitoring session. “What do
you know, if anything, about our services, products or people?
Have you ever made contact with us? Was it a positive
experience? Do You have any problems with our organization?

You can always retain a professional survey firm to gather
these data for you but that can be expensive. Remember
that your public relations people are already in the perception
and behavior business and can certainly handle this vital

Regardless of who handles perception monitoring among
target audience members, it’s crucial to be on alert for
misconceptions, inaccuracies, false assumptions, untruths
and, especially, unfounded rumors.

The reason is, the perception data you gather will form the
basis of your public relations goal, which can be quite
direct such as fix that inaccuracy, correct that untruth, or
clarify that misconception.

At this point, you need a strategy to tell you how you’re
going to achieve that goal. Where matters of perception
and opinion are concerned, there are really just three
strategy choices: create perception where there isn’t any,
change existing opinion/perception, or reinforce it. But
try to size your strategy choice to fit your new public
relations goal.

Now, if you’re to actually alter hurtful perceptions
among members of your target audience, you need to
prepare a message that is not only compelling in its
presentation, but completely believable. And it must be
crystal clear, factual and persuasive if it is to move
opinion in your direction and lead to those behaviors
you desire.

Now, when it comes to communication tactics to carry
your message to the eyes and ears of your target audience,
you’re in luck. There are dozens of tactics available to do
the job for you. Everything from speeches, newsletters and
brochures to emails, open houses and customer briefings.
But keep in mind that you must insure that the tactics
you choose have a good record for reaching people just
like the members of your target audience.

To show management that progress towards your goal
is actually happening, you will have to duplicate the earlier
perception monitoring interaction among target audience
members. This time, however, you and your PR people will
be watching carefully for signs that the offending perception
is being altered, AND in your direction.

Happily, there’s one more option open to you – you can speed
up the process by adding more communications tactics to the
mix, AND increasing their frequencies.

Best part about this particular blueprint is that it will help
you ramp up your public relations effort in a way that let’s
you pursue the behavior changes you really need if you are to
achieve your unit’s operating objectives.


About the Author

Bob Kelly counsels, writes and speaks to managers about using the fundamental premise of public relations to achieve their operating objectives. He has
been DPR, Pepsi-Cola Co.; AGM-PR, Texaco Inc.; VP-PR, Olin Corp.; VP-PR, Newport News Shipbuilding & Drydock Co.; director of communications, U.S. Department of the Interior,and deputy assistant press secretary, The White House. mailto:bobkelly@TNI.net Visit:http://www.prcommentary.com