Benjamin Franklin as well as a whole lot of other people have said that. Everyone
wants to earn more money! So do I! However, we can also have a lot more
money to work with if you use our money wisely! Am I an expert on this? My
friends think so and have encouraged me to share some of my ideas. Below are a
couple of tips on two of the biggest invesments we make - a house and a car!

I never pay the sticker price on a car, whether it is new or used. ALWAYS offer
them less. Offer them less than you are willing to pay. They will 99% of the time
make you a counter offer! If they don't, you have to decide if you want the car
badly enough to pay their price. Even if you are willing to pay their price, you can
try this; put a serious look on your face, and think about it a while. Then get up
and head for the door. Chances are at that point, the salesman will make you a
counter offer! If not, you can leave him your telephone number and once again,
chances are, he will call you before the day is out. If it is afternoon, the possibility
of that particular car selling is not very high. If you still feel you can't live without
that car the next (REMEMBER THE NEXT DAY) go ahead and call him and pay
his price. Maybe it was a good deal and you both will be happy.

Here is another tip: Never buy a house or a car (NEW OR USED) without a
clause that says PREPAYMENT WITHOUT PENALTY, OR the equivalent of
that phrase. WHY? You can save thousands of dollars by paying extra money on
the principal each month. If your contract has the clause I just mentioned, you can
do this. WHY DO YOU WANT TO DO THIS? To save yourself thousands of
dollars!! You pay interest on the unpaid balance of what you owe each month on
the car or house that you and the bank own and that you are making payments on.
For example, I paid off my new truck (did I mention it has 4 wheel drive and a
whole bunch of extras - a 3/4 ton etc. etc - for the camper) in a little over a year
by paying $1000 a month extra on the principal. That is pretty stiff but my wife
also teaches and we lived off of my salary. YES IT CAN BE DONE!

HOW DO I DO IT? I save on ALL the little things that do not matter - the
necessities of life, in order to buy the big things - like my truck!! I still have more
ideas for a later time. Remember, a lifetime of saving money as a philosophy!

About the Author

Jack Lambert
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