A Practiced and Prepared Sales Presentation Wins Out EVERYTIME

A Practiced and Prepared Sales Presentation Wins Out EVERYTIME

Here are some thoughts from Dan Kennedys Your Million Dollar Sales Presentations:

”Many "modern" sales trainers and experts are very critical of "canned" ie. memorized presentations. I dont quite understand this.

Personally, I have a "Million Dollar Sales Presentation" (that sells over a million dollars of my products each year from the platform) and I want to deliver it perfectly every time - word for word, inflection for inflection. So I have it memorized AND I practice. To me, it seems it would be stupid not to.

In person to person selling, which I do only a little of anymore; mostly on the phone or in meetings with clients; I have perfectly honed, memorized and practiced "vignettes" of material that can be linked together or used cafeteria style as needed. I have a "pat" way to describe how my fees work. I cant imagine ad-libbing all that.

So, I am an advocate of the polished, practiced presentation. I believe it gives you confidence, reduces stress and worry, frees you to listen to responses, and, of course, insures that you say what you have to say in the most persuasive and convincing way possible.

Conversely, I really wonder about the person whos constantly changing his presentation. Does this mean he hasnt yet gotten it right?

The smartest strategy is to deliver the very best, most complete sales presentation possible - every time."

So how does this apply to you as a marketer of lawn care or landscaping services?

Quite simply, it means you should have a prepared sales message that you deliver EVERYTIME you speak with a prospect. I know it might sound quite silly, but putting together a carefully planned and thoroughly prepared will give you a significant leg up on your competition.

To make this work for you, get out a piece of paper and begin writing out a draft of your sales presentation. Dont worry if its not perfect the first time. Believe me, it wont be. Just start writing, making sure to list all the reasons why your prospect should hire you to provide their lawn care services. Again, when writing these reasons remember to stress benefits, benefits, and more benefits.

After you have a rough draft of this sales message, go back through and cut out any unnecessary or extraneous material. You want it to be lean and mean, using convincing language and containing only the most powerful of reasons why they should hire you.

Once you have this rough draft, take what youve written out and start practicing it out loud. Yes, thats right, OUT LOUD. Do it in front of your bathroom mirror. Have your spouse or significant other play the role of Mr. or Mrs. Prospect. It will probably feel awkward at first, but do it anyway.

The more you practice it, the more comfortable you will feel delivering it, and the more effective you will be in presenting it when standing face to face with your next potential client.

Having taking the time to prepare and plan out your sales message ahead of time will give you the confidence you need to make a powerful pitch for business, it frees you to listen to your prospects responses, and finally, it insures that you say what you need to say in the most persuasive and convincing way possible.

Chestin Salisbury is President of LawncareMarketingMagic.comeasytips@lawncaremarketingmagic.com