Achieving financial freedom with Network Marketing on The Internet - Part 12

Achieving financial freedom with Network Marketing on The Internet
By Tasos Vasilopoulos
Part 12 - Time to work – Start building your link popularity – Your tools
This article makes part of a series of 20 articles. The subject of this series is the creation and promotion of a website as a cost-effective method to establish a profitable home based business on the Internet.
In my previous article, “Achieving financial freedom with Network Marketing on The Internet – Part 11 – Submit your website to Search Engines and Directories”, I have indicated to you what to do and what to avoid while submitting your website to Search Engines and Directories.
In this article I will present you the tools that you will have to use while building your link popularity.
Your tools
In your job of building your link popularity (LP) you will need tools to help you distinguish the right web pages to exchange links with and also measure the results of your work.
1. Google’s toolbar
It is a toolbar that contains a number of useful tools. Among them are two that are essential for your work. The “Pagerank Indicator” and the “Backward Links”. The indicator shows the Pagerank (PR) of the page you are browsing and the backward links is a list of the incoming links of this page that have a Pagerank equal to 4 or better. You will have to download this toolbar from http:/ and install it its full capabilities. Google makes a note that, for the advanced capabilities to be activated, the toolbar will be sending info about the pages you are browsing to Google’s servers. It really does that, but, if you want the toolbar to show you the PR of a page, then it must send to Google’s servers the URL of this page in order to receive and present its PR to you.
This toolbar will appear in your browser’s windows, under your other toolbars.
You can spot it just below the address box. In the middle of the toolbar resides the green bar indicating the Pagerank of the currently viewed web page. If you place your mouse in the bar the number of PR appears. In the image below I have opened the menu at the right of the green Pagerank bar to show you the “Backward Links” selection that will present you all the important incoming links. These “backward” links have PR equal or greater to 4.
Every month Google sends its spider to make a deep “crawl” of the websites on the Internet. It gathers all the web pages found (more than 3 billion currently – September 2003). Then it uses its algorithm to calculate the Pagerank of each one. Same work is done also by the other major Search Engines, maybe not monthly, but many times in the year.
2. Link Leaps – A tool to study all the Link Popularity of a website
There is a website that gives you the opportunity to see the entire link popularity of any web page that you are interested in (not only those links with PR of 4 or better like the backward links of Google do). It is called “Market Leap”. Its URL is:
It provides three tools for free:
· Link Popularity Check
· Search Engine Saturation
· Keyword Verification
Each one of these tools is useful for your work. In “Link Popularity Check” you can enter the URLs of maximum four web pages. Then it presents to you the backward links that 5 major Search Engines (AlltheWeb, Altavista, Google/Aol, Hotbot/Inctomi, MSN) have in their databases stored for these web pages. Google presents only the links with Pagerank more than 4, but “AlltheWeb” presents them all. Also, AlltheWeb groups the links that come from the same website, so you can see if a specific page receives more links from a website. I consider this tool the best in building my link popularity. I get the list of the websites that link to any important websites for a specific keyword and use it to request reciprocal links from them.
Very useful is also the “Keyword Verification”. You insert your URL and your keyword and the tool shows you in which Search Engines your website is listed for the specific keyword and in what position.

Next article in the series “Achieving financial freedom with Network Marketing on The Internet” :
Part 13 – Link partnership - Search for the right link partners.

About the author:
Tasos Vasilopoulos is a successful Network Marketer on the Internet as Group Leader of SFI Marketing Group. His main method to promote his home business on the Internet is websites properly optimized to obtain a good rank in the listings of the major Search Engines.
Get his ebook with an in depth analysis of all the steps of his method and find more resources on proper domain registration, effective website design and search engines optimization in his website at
You are free to use this article as long as you do not make any changes in its content, you keep all the links in it active and you include the information above about the author as it is.

About the Author

Tasos Vasilopoulos is a successful Network Marketer on the Internet as Group Leader of SFI Marketing Group. His main method to promote his home business on the Internet is websites properly optimized to obtain a good rank in the listings of the major Search Engines.
Get his ebook with an in depth analysis of all the steps of his method and find more resources on proper domain registration, effective website design and search engines optimization in his website at