An Easy Way to Make Money With EBooks

If you've been around the web for any time at all - especially looking for information about how to get your own online business started - you've probably heard one thing metioned time and time again: Make and sell your own products.

It's an undeniable fact. Selling your own product is the fastest, and sometimes easiest, way to make money online. And one of the easiest types of products to sell is information.

Information is a hot commodity. People love to learn new things - or learn more about their favorite topics. By creating useful, helpful, or entertaining information on almost any topic - you can literally make a fortune. And yes you can start raking in money from the minute your product is released for sale.

Now the entire process doesn't happen overnight, and no it's not magic. There is a formula. Or "system" if you will. And there's hard work too.

Whether you want to create a tutorial, informative email course, special report, or full length book: You need to invest either time or money to get that product created. You can't make money from it until you're able to sell it, and in order to sell it - you have to create it.

And creation takes time. Even if you have the money to pay someone else to write for you, they'll still need time to do it well. If you choose to write the EBook yourself, you'll need time too. Even if you know the topic inside and out, it takes time to "get it all down on paper". Then of course you have to organize it, format it, edit, figure out publishing and delivery options, etc.

Now a tried and true method of getting a business started fast is to invest in ready-made products. People do this every day with EBay and dropshipping. The basic concept is simple: You buy products at reduced, or "wholesale" rates, and resell them to customers at standard retail mark up rates. You keep the difference in what the product sells for, and what you paid for it.

Many people don't realize you can do the same thing with EBooks. Buy ones that are already written and packaged nicely - at wholesale prices - then sell them to the public. Now it's important to understand you can't do this with just any EBook you come across. It's illegal. You must have a license to sell someone else's EBook, and you must have connections to get them at "wholesale" prices.

You can find many such EBooks easily online though. Often they're promoted as having "resell rights". This usually means that once you've bought the book at regular prices, you also got a license to sell that book to others at full price too. The main downside to this of course, is that you have to pay separately for each EBook you want to resell, and the prices can vary widely. Some EBook resell rights can be bought for just $30 or so, while others cost $150. I've even seen some that require several thousand dollars to get resell rights to.

There are a few services available online that allow you to pay one monthly fee though, and they'll give you resell rights to many books at once. The best one I've found actually publishes two new EBooks every single month. They're great quality, priced well, and come with a pre-written sales letter. You can even add your affiliate links to the EBooks, and this gives you the potential to earn more money from other sources within the Books themselves.

Another reason I like this particular Book Club the best though, is because they don't give you all business and marketing books. You get books that you can sell to real people, on a variety of topics. Books about diabetes, travel, and blogging for instance, are just a few examples of the wide variety of topics they provide. This makes it much easier to start selling the books immediately, because you're not trying to enter heavily saturated, fiercely competitive markets. Get more information on this EBook service here:

So the easiest, fastest way to make money online is by selling information products that are already written. You simply pay a small fee, set up your sales mechanisms, then advertise. That's it. You can actually start getting sales - receiving real money - within minutes of getting set up.

© 2005, Kathy Burns-Millyard.

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