An Rx For Your RÉSUMÉ

Whether you are an accountant, virtual assistant, or a corporate executive, your job skills are constantly refined. A new sales presentation you've organized or the new spreadsheet package you've mastered should be included on your resume. You may have new skills that could turn your dead-end job into a new career in another field. If you update your resume continually, it makes it easier to send it out at a moments notice. Your resume should be well written, typeset and laser printed. It should also be suited for your targeted employer and field, focusing on your key experience. It should be free of all grammatical errors and appealing to the eye.

A cover letter is generally sent with your resume. It explains the reason for your interest and the reason a potential employer should consider your qualifications.

Many people are considering freelance opportunities. Choosing to give up the chaotic corporate world and start a new venture requires planning. Your resume can highlight your skills and allow you to offer them to individuals outside the corporate environment. If you're interested, you should begin by putting your ideas on paper. Organize your strengths and structure a marketing plan. If you're doing freelance work already, why not highlight new accomplishments to your clients?

The Brownstone Workshop provides ;free' consultations for all of your writing needs. Your files are stored for free, so when you need to update your resume, it won't be a big hassle.

Contact Yasmeen (Lifestyle Entrepreneur Coach & Virtual Assistant) via email at or by phone at 919-319-6271. Browse my site at for additional services.

About the Author

Yasmeen is a Lifestyle Entrepreneur Coach & Virtual Assistant at her homebased business since 1993.