Are You Profiting From O.P.P.

Are you profiting from O.P.P.? If not, why not?

We know many of you have the desire and dream of running your own home-based business. But, like so many people, you're not sure where or how to start.

You're not sure what type of business you should look for. You're not sure if you could do it. You're not sure if you really can achieve the financial freedom you want for yourself and your family.

You're confused by all the get rich quick scams you see all around you. You can't pick up a newspaper or get on the web without falling over an ad telling you that yes, you too, can be a millionaire by next Tuesday if you just buy my Secret Formula.

You'd happily make the investment of time, money and energy, if only you could find a business that was legitimate. You're smart enough to know that any business worth having takes effort and requires time to grow.

But what to do?

Well, let us ask again. Are you profiting from O.P.P.? If not, why not?

What would you do if you found a business that:

could generate multiple streams of income

would work in any area of the country

could be worked both in your local area and nationally

could be worked both on and off the web

would allow you to build your long term net worth

and, can be started either in your spare time or part time

Would you possibly think you should take a serious look at this business?

We'll ask one more time. Are you profiting from O.P.P.? If not, why not?

OK, we know you really can't answer this question yet. Why, because we haven't told you what O.P.P. is.

We can tell you the business we described above is real and it revolves around the O.P.P. principle.

We can hear you now, enough already. What is O.P.P.?

Very simply put, O.P.P. is Other Peoples Property.

Yes, you can build a great business and make a wonderful income, all from your home office, using Other Peoples Property.

And no, we are not suggesting you break into your neighbor's homes, steal their belongings and sell them.

What we are talking about is a wonderful business that allows you to generate immediate cash flow and also build your long term net worth.

So, what is this wonderful business. Lease Purchasing.

Lease Purchasing is a specialized niche in the field of Creative Real Estate, which allows you to control property without the trouble of ownership; and profit from this. Lease Purchasing affords wonderful benefits and opportunities to those who would like to operate a home-based business.

Every year, thousands of people get started building their fortunes in Real Estate. It is well documented that Real Estate is the world's greatest wealth builder.

The niche of Lease Purchasing grants you the ability to reach your financial freedom, with O.P.P., Other Peoples Property. All it takes is the desire to succeed, some time investment on your part and some specialized knowledge.

What are the benefits to the business owner?

Little start-up capital needed.

Little or no credit needed.

Wonderful cash flow can be generated immediately.

Excellent and realistic first year income can be achieved.

Business can be started simply, no major equipment to buy.

Business can be operated full time, part time or in your spare time.

Best of all, the business can be operated from your own home office

As you can see, Lease Purchasing comes very close to being the Perfect Home-Based Business. A realistic first year income is $50,000 to $75,000 for someone working full time. You can add $20,000 to $30,000 to your present income on a part time basis.

In an upcoming article we'll show you the many ways How You Can Profit From O.P.P.

Don't you think you owe it to yourself to explore the potential of O.P.P.

What are you waiting for?

Copyright 2000, DeFiore Enterprises

About the Author

Interested in having your own successful, home based creative real estate investing business? Chuck and Sue have been helping folks start successful home based businesses for over 19 years, and we can help you too! To see how, visit