Arrest Your Time Robbers!

If there is one area every entrepreneur must master in order
to maximize their success, it's the ability to make the best
use of their time. The saying "Time is money" certainly applies
to e-commerce. Many time-robbers threaten to cripple online

Let's face facts: For a large percentage of people, their use of
the Internet largely results in frittering away their time, with
little or nothing to show for it. Just consider some of the most
popular online activities: Sending and receiving frivolous email
(jokes, etc.). Downloading and listening to MP3 music files.
Using ICQ for idle chat with friends and relatives. Random
surfing, etc.

Things that in themselves aren't necessarily bad - after all,
we need some recreation and diversion - but the downside is
that unless we keep a tight reign on the time we spend on
non-productive Internet activities, they hinder real

Even if, like me, your primary use of the Internet is for
business, opportunities to absorb business-related information
bombard us from all sides: Countless web sites, ezines,
forums, discussion lists, chat rooms, and on and on. More than
we can possibly absorb, and sometimes potentially addictive.

Any of these resources may be useful for business purposes,
but even they can be distractions if they prevent us from getting
more important things done.

As a victim of any of the above time-robbers, we may end up
asking ourselves "Where did all the time go?"

Arresting the Time-Robbers

I was recently interviewed for an article in Entrepreneur's
Start-Ups Magazine (Sept. 2000 Issue, pg. 30). Here are some
tips I gave for effectively dealing with time-robbers, which
appear in the sidebar "Smart Move - Make It Count."

1) Set goals.

If you don't know what your destination is, how can you get
there? Write down your goals.

2) Keep and use a prioritized to-do list.

Always tackle the high-priority tasks first, and work on
low-priority ones as time allows.

3) Exercise self-discipline.

If you can stay focused on your most important priorities,
you'll see greater results from your time and effort.

4) Automate where possible.

With e-mail, use time-saving tools such as autoresponders and

5) Periodically analyze your business.

Assess which activities work and which ones you should

When you have many things to do, and too little time in which
to do them, you must focus on what's most important. It's good
to periodically analyze your priorities and goals, and make
necessary adjustments to stay on track. After all, there's only
one you, and only so many hours in each day.


If you want to get maximum benefit from the limited time you
have to accomplish things in your online business, or any other
area of life, you must manage your time well. When you do,
you'll achieve more, and you'll look back on your work with
the satisfaction of knowing that you got the most important
things done, instead of looking back with regret.

As Benjamin Franklin said long ago: "Dost thou love life? Then
do not squander time, for that's the stuff life is made of."

Marty Foley reveals uncommon e-commerce success strategies
in his highly-acclaimed resource, Internet Marketing Goldmine:
>> He also helps Internet
entrepreneurs boost profits through his members-only web site:
>> And his audio program
on time management shows how to increase your productivity
(online and off), defeat procrastination and reach your goals:

About the Author

Marty Foley ~
Internet Business Success:
Affiliate Program Success: