This article discusses a topic that every business
owner hopes to never consider, but many have been or
will be faced with in the future.

FALURE! Nobody wants to think about the unthinkable.
However, if many failed business owners would have
given this subject more thought and research, it may
have saved them thousands, tens of thousands, even
hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Running a business is quite like growing vegetables.
You must know when to plant, when to water, when to
pick and when, if needed, to "burn it all down and
start anew". A failed attempt at anything is not a
pleasant thought. For many an entrepreneur there will
come a time when you simply need to stop, recap your
mistakes, refocus your energies, call it quits and if
you still have the heart for it, start over. Starting
over may mean rebuilding your present business or
closing those doors for good.

This doesn't mean you should give up at the drop of a
dime. This article is for those of you who have done
everything you can and it just isn't enough. It's time
for you to take a good, hard look at your business.
Take an inventory of your past efforts and

Here are the top "signs" to look for:

Are you spending more than you are taking in?

Have you drained savings to stay afloat?

Are you up to your neck in debt already?

Surviving with Credit Cards?

Losing money and considering a loan to bail you


Running out of friends and favors to call on?

Productivity dropping?

Find yourself disinterested in your business?

Anxiety attacks worrying about your business?

Suffering family life?

Loss of Confidence?

These are questions that you must answer honestly
within yourself. Most know deep inside whether it's
time to quit or buckle down. You must decide for
yourself. Consider this; 8 out of 10 small business in
the US will fail within two years. There is no
financial value or moral obligation to continuing a
losing enterprise. Sometimes you just need to start

Dealing with the failure of any kind is an often-
difficult task. Coming to term with the loss of a
business can be psychologically devastating to many.
Because of this some will simply assume that because
their business failed, they are somehow inferior and do
not possess the intelligence needed or simply are not
"cut out" to operate a successful business. This could
not be further from the truth in the majority of cases.
Most simply acted on poor judgement or lacked the tools
needed to succeed.

I have yet to meet a successful business owner who has
not failed before. What's the difference between them
and the Owner-turned-9-to-5? They didn't let one
setback cripple their hunger for success. Don't you!

About the Author

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