Corporate Team Building

There is a WHOLE lot of talk these days about Corporate Team Building. There are many, many options: vacation packages, rope courses, on-going office games, ice-breakers, etc. Management can also purchase videos, books, and seminar packages to assist them in building up their organization into a team worthy of belonging. A little later I will give you some ideas of where you can go for information on these team building tools.

How about some free advice to start you off? Some of the foundational building blocks within team spirit, whether within a corporation or a family, are the ones that are most simple and natural.

The leader must set the example:
IF your employees see you as a team player they will feel a part of your organization. If, however, they see the management as those who get all the credit and financial rewards for their hard work you may have underlying turmoil at hand within your organization. To counter act this give credit to others whenever possible!

Include everyone frequently when your company receives a compliment. Especially strive to give credit to the lower ranking employees who still put in FULL days yet rarely are in a position to hear the praise directly. I guarantee employees work harder when they know the boss(es) are sharing credit with everyone.

Ask your employees: What do you ask? Hmm a better question is when do you stop asking :-).
Ask employees what makes them feel a part of the team.
Ask them why they choose to stay with your corporation.
Ask them how belonging to your organization makes their own lives better.
Ask them what they would change.
Ask them if they have ever considered leaving and what the reasons were behind such impluses.

Then, act on the information you receive.
Take all positive information as clues to what your company is doing correctly to keep happy employees. Then do what you can to keep these elements going and even to improve upon them.
Receive all negative feedback as opportunities for growth and the chance to retain people you have trained already as part of your corporations team. Then, brainstorm within the organization if modifications might help you to improve employee relations and thereby lead to higher productivity and profits. Because happy workers put out higher volumes of better quality work.

Finally, Be gracious.
The two jobs where I was most loyal and most productive were with organizations where management greeted us daily whenever passing. Treated all employees including the janitors as HIGHLY valued and equal to management on a personal level.

This may sound a bit threatening and extreme to some people. But, I will let you know that all of us went home daily feeling like we helped the corporate team nation wide. Sure there were issues that arose no one can get rid of that completely. Yet overall, 98% of us felt wonderful walking in that door each day. How do I know this? Because almost everyone showed up early (on their own) daily.... and no one EVER complained about staying late. Have you had that happen? I hope so! It is a wonderful experience.

Now, as promised, here are some sites which can further help you with your corporate team building efforts. eam.html


Repario Ltd eambuildingtools.htm

Adventure Associates

Progressive Resources Ltd

Until next time all the best,

About the Author

Kate Hufstetler is a well established business & personal coach who has helped many individuals enhance and re-design their lives. Through personal and business mentorship she has helped people within business, entertainment, government, families, schools, churches etc. Contact her today!