Cutting Costs While Raising Babies

Raising children is expensive, so saving money wherever we can is important (moms need the money for those rare trips to the spa so they can relax, right?). Here are a few simple ways to cut your costs when you have a baby:

1. Make Baby Food

Instead of buying the expensive jars of baby food - make it instead! Blenders are a great investment, and if you can get one second hand that's even better. When you cook supper, save aside some of your meal to throw in the blender. The baby's age will of course determin what will food you make for them. Potatoes are always a good thing to have on hand and cook up quickly.

2. Buy cheap diapers with the name brands

Some of us may have learned the hard way that the cheaper diapers are no good over night or on outings. But when you plan to just stay home, put your little one in a cheap diaper. Save the expensive ones for over night and on car rides.

3. Buy resuable wipes

Cotton wipes are fantastic, and can even save you money. While the initial cost may appear to be more, you will save money in the long run. Don't forget a low cost natural wet wipe solution! If you prefer not to wash them out when you have a dirty diaper, have some store brand wipes on hand to use just for that.

4. Double up on baths

If you have two or more children, throw them all in the tub at the same time. Do it while they are little because you can't do this later. The kids will enjoy being able to splash in the tub together, and it will save you time as well.

5. Buy second hand clothes

No sence in buying hundreds of dollars in new clothes when they grow out of them so fast. Have a few sets of nice, new clothes, but buy the majority of them from second hand stores or garage sales. When they grow out of them, you can hold a garage sale yourself or donate them back to the second hand store.

6. Breast feed, if possible

Formula is expensive! It's amazing what a newborn can eat, so if possible, alway breastfeed them for the first several months. Not only is it free, but you are also getting your child off to a wonderful start.

These are just a few ideas that you can use to cut costs. Take some of that money that you will save over the year and do something special with the kids!

About the Author

Kara Kelso is the owner of Mom's Market, which is an online mall where shoppers can support mothers by purchasing products and services from a mom-run business. Visit: