Cyber Speed And the Speed of Thought

Cyber Speed And the Speed of Thought

Copyright© 2003 The Wealth Writer eZine.

Word count 498

Marketers on the Internet often overlook the fact that any
potential customer arriving at their website is travelling at
cyber speed or the speed of thought, you have got approximately
15 seconds to grab the web surfers attention or click, goodbye
and they're gone.

All the surfer sees on arriving at your site is the wonderful
heading you created and your headline. They are at the first
fold of the page and 4 seconds have gone already, so you had
better come up with something hypnotic and quickly.

That leaves the headline. If you've got the money you could
spend hundreds of dollars creating the right attention grabbing
headline, the big companies spend hundreds even thousands of
dollars with copywriters to come up with the right headline.

Because your headline is so important it stands to reason you
should concentrate most of your copywriting time on the headline
you are going to use to GRAB peoples interest and excite them
enough to stay around for a while.

Surfers on the Internet aren't very interested in you the
marketer, they're there looking for whats in it for them - you
have to focus on the benefits you are offering your customers.
Assuming you've grabbed them with your headline, they move on
quickly to your next mini headline still looking for whats in it
for them.

Try to keep them on your page using a progressive quick
'benefits listing' technique. If your headline and sub headlines
have got them interested enough, they just might even start to
read some of your text copy. The theme of your website must
establish credibility. If they smell a rat (and you're the rat)
they won't be there for long.

To establish credibility nothing beats a full no questions asked
money back guarantee. Don't ask me why but the stronger you make
your guarantee the the less likely it is that you will have to
honour it. Some customers may (will) even take advantage of your
guarantee, don't worry the increased sales you will make by
offering a strong guarantee will far outweigh the disadvantages.

You've had your surfer on your site for three minutes now, you
have hopefully convinced your prospect of all the benefits
owning your product will bring, you now need to create an
urgency. Don't forget the surfer still has the mouse in his hand
and that little red x (the close button) is still up at the top
of the page. You need to convince the prospect to purchase your
offer now, not tommorow or another day.

If none of that worked, at least you had the prospect on your
page for a few minutes. But you still have one last resort. You
could stategically place your subscribe button up near the
dreaded red x because your prospect may have liked your site
enough to click on the subscribe button on his way off your site.

You may even end up with a loyal customer for years to come.

About the Author

Kerry Harrington
AOL Friendly Link

Kerry Harrington is the publisher of The Wealth Writer
eZine - This interesting weekly eZine is known for it's
useful and informative articles, written in a personal
style by Kerry.
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