Do You Act Like a Professional

What does it take to be considered a Professional?
Webster's dictionary defines a professional as engaging
in an occupation for money. Does this mean that by just
engaging in a profession you are a professional? Of
course not. To be considered a professional you not only
need to have a great deal of knowledge and experience in
your chosen field, but you must also conduct business in
a professional manner.

To develop a professional image requires time and effort.
Let's take a look at the areas of your business where you
should show professionalism.


Your attitude can make or break you. The way you deal
with clients, associates, suppliers, other business people,
questions, requests, complaints, and all other types of
business communications will highly reflect on your own
professional image. In all communications you should
consider this before responding.

Always be courteous. Be well mannered, respectful and
warm. Say, "thank you", "please", "You're welcome"
whenever appropriate. Make sure you let people know
that you appreciate their time and effort don't
forget to include letting your clients know that you
appreciate their business.

Never misrepresent yourself or your products/services.
Your honesty with clients and associates will go along
way. Remember that you must earn their trust you
cannot do that if you are not honest to a fault. Being
honest will gain you life-long relationships with your
clients and associates.

Products & Customer Relations

Always deliver more than was expected. Make sure your
clients receive even more value than they anticipated.
If you don't they will most probably be disappointed
with you and will not become a repeat customer. Repeat
customers are more important than the sale. A repeat
customer will buy more of your products and will praise
your products to others that may buy from you as well.

Always listen to your customers. They will tell you
where you need to improve things. Be sure to let them
know that you understand and that you value their opinions.
Try to look at a customer complaint as a way to learn
how to increase the value of your products and services.

Make yourself totally available to your clients and
customers. Supply them the type of support that you
want when you have a problem with something you have
purchased. Waste no time responding to your clients.
Be certain to find an agreeable solution as quickly as
possible and let your clients know that their satisfaction
is your highest priority.

When a client or customer is totally dissatisfied with
your product or service refund their money with a smile.
Tell them you are sorry and that you would like to know
exactly why they weren't satisfied. Keep in mind that...
"the customer is always right" even if you don't agree.

Online Aspects

Your Website should look professionally designed, include
complete product & service descriptions and an easy yet
secure way to order online. You should include complete
contact information (including your phone number) on
every page of your website or at least a link to it.

Be polite and courteous to other website owners. Always
acknowledge others legitimate business (not spam) requests,
even if you are not interested.

In doing business, on the Internet or in the real world
you should always remember that you want to build bridges,
not destroy them. Do your best in all aspects and your
business should grow and prosper.

About the Author

Betty Ann Wilkins, Publisher/Webmaster

New Business Start-ups - Working from Home

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