Do You Really Own Your Web Business

So you have finally finished all of the hard work of getting
your web business up and running.

You have a professional looking website, you have your logo
prominently displayed for your customers to know who you are.

You have found the right product or service and have actually
started making a profit.

But you have forgotten one last very important step.

You did not check to see if there were any other businesses with a
similar name to your web business.

This could be a very costly mistake on your part.

If you happen to have a name that is the same as another website
or business you could possibly find yourself in a heap of trouble.

Or you may come to find out that there is another website or
business that is using the same name as you in the same type

If this is the case, you stand to lose profits as well as credibility.

So how do you protect yourself from this potential disaster?

Trademark your name.

Make sure that you follow the proper procedures and acquire the
name and copyright of your web business.

Once you own the rights, you can have them on file and this will
save you time and trouble if someone happens to try and say they
had the name first.

Also if you go to get a Trademark for your business or product
name you can do a search and find out if the name has already
been taken.

This is somewhat like doing a domain name search before you can
register your URL name. However as you may know, domains in
themselves really have no legal rights at all. A domain is just an
address... it's when you have a trade marked name within a domain
name that gives you rights.

Remember that you have worked hard to build a profitable business
on the Internet and you should protect it at all levels.

About the Author

Randy Brooks is the owner of
Visit Randy for his expert advice on Trade Marks and