eBiz 101 A Blue Print For Success!

When did you first discover the Internet?

It is a mystery, scary, exciting, fun, an never-ending
adventure and daily learning experience.

Whatever reason brought you to the Internet, personal
or business, we soon discover that the Internet is basically about
communication. In fact, the InternetCommunication.

And the foundation of that Communication, is email.

This past Monday, some friends from California came
to visit for a few hours.

We had a few drinks, we went to go eat good Mexican
food, got the car washed and we talked about the Internet.

Jack is really sharp when it comes to business but he
hasn't fully explored all that the Internet has to offer.

Sandy was curious on a professional level, seeking to
tap into nursing sources.

Whether it comes from close friends or from any of our
many cyber-friends, it dawned on me that the question
is always the same, be it personal or for business,
everyone wants to know:

"How do you reach that [ certain person]."

Of course, that [ certain person] is,
whatever is your niche or target audience.

For Sandy, it would be nurses. Jack, perhaps opportunity
seekers. I'm always looking for new subscribers. :-)

Whatever your niche, that becomes the focus of
your communication. And it determines how and
where you seek to fulfill that communication.

ALWAYS without resorting to SPAM. Because it is
against Internet rules and because it creates more
problems that it can solve.

Basically, once you know your niche market, there are
three main ingredients necessary to conduct business online.

A great product or service.
A web site that sells.
Attract targeted traffic.

A. A great product or service.

What does your niche group need and use? You
can compile or create what you offer for sale. Or
provide your niche group your services to point
them to a great product or service they might
very well purchase.

You make the commission.

Explore and discover what the competition is
offering your niche group and consider affiliating
with the best of all the are out there for you to find.

Try searching Clickbank that offers an excellent
system. You provide the traffic, when someone buys,
you get the commission straight from ClickBank.
No need to worry about if you will really get paid.

B. A web site that sells.

Test, test, test. Review your site for all the
basics of selling online. Fast loading speeds,
easy to navigate, clear, correct spelling and
a merchant account.

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Many successful web sites are nothing more than
portals, door-ways, to other sites that you can earn
a commission from for sending them potential business.

Web Site Commissions:

Web Design Resources:

Web Hosting Resources:

C. Attract targeted traffic.

How do you reach your niche group?

You tap into those FREE Internet resources and
find out where and how your niche group exists.

1. Search Engines.

Prepare a list of search words that would identify
or are related to your niche. What words would
you use to look it up in the "Yellow Pages"?

Once you compile your list, hit the Top Ten Search
Engines and Directories and start searching each word
and begin to "Bookmark" the results that you find
will be useful for interacting with your niche.

Top Ten Search Engines:

2. Discussion lists.

A discussion or mailing list is a community that discusses
a certain subject by e-mail. The Internet discussion groups
may be mailing lists, newsgroups or IRC chat channels, to
name just a few possibilities.

Every niche group has serious discussion lists that would
be informative and educational to join. Your niche group
will benefit from your contribution to the list and you can
communicate your message, with your signature.

Join Free Discussion or Mailing Lists:

Liszt - The Mailing List Directory:

Search The List of Lists:

CataList, the catalog of 46,902 public LISTSERV lists!

3. Your Signature.

NEVER underestimate the power of your signature.

During a one week period, my signature was the ONLY
form of promotion I used and we got over 1000 visitors
to our unadvertised web site.

How To Use Your Signature:

4. Ezines/Newsletters.

Whatever your niche, there probably already exists a
network of publications that tap into your group. Tap
into them and get an instant pulse on your market.

Top 100 Online Business Newsletters:

This gives you a basic "Blue Print" to follow to either
begin to establish yourself on the Internet or expand
on whatever you have already accomplished.

Once you know WHY you want to contact people, then
you will know WHO it is you need to communicate with
and for WHAT reason.

The basic resources I have outlined above will give you
a strong foundation to discover WHERE to reach that
special niche of yours.

And you will need to decide WHEN.

About the Author

A.T.Rendon is an entrepreneur and published writer.
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