Escaping Finance

Escaping Finance

 by: Parone Dinanz

Personal finance is a scary subject for some people because it conjures up all sorts of personal fears about budgeting, managing investments and buying Vs renting a home. Fear and anxiety are common responses to the topic of personal finance regardless of an individuals level of education or experience in other areas, particularly business. As a result, many people avoid dealing with their personal finance issues until they are almost at crisis point and in serious credit or debt trouble.

But before you can make any decision about your personal finance or take any action regarding your finances, you should obtain a firm understanding of your current financial position. Surprisingly, many people have only a vague idea how much income they actually bring in each month and then how much they actually spend each month and whether there is a positive difference between these amounts that are in you favor.

So the first thing to do is assess you financial situation. Gather together all of the information and documents that will give you a picture of your financial position. Tally your net worth, including real estate, superannuation, monthly income and all other assets. You may be pleasantly surprised by the total. Then, set yourself up a budget by listing all of your expenses. Be completely honest and dont leave anything out. If you cheat on this you will only be cheating yourself. List everything including luxury items such as take out, cosmetics, magazines and movie tickets.

While a budget is absolutely the first step to taking charge of your personal finance, this is by no means the only step you will need to take. You can investigate other services in the marketplace, such as electronic bill pay, investment counseling and seeking out hints and tips for financial health. Electronic bill pay or BPay as it is more commonly known, is particularly useful for people who tend to be disorganized or who procrastinate on keeping their bill paying in order. You can even arrange for your bills to arrive by e-mail rather than through snail mail. You then pay them electronically, by direct withdrawal from your bank account and the transaction gets processed straight away.

Once you have assessed your budget and established a regular and efficient bill paying mechanism, you might feel that you are then brave enough to investigate other areas of personal finance such as investments and stocks and shares. Once again, the Internet can be an invaluable resource, allowing you to thoroughly explore all of the different options and strategies available. You can find all sorts of useful references about investments such as term deposits, managed funds, purchasing stocks and shares and participating in share clubs. You might like to start simple though and merely open a short term savings deposit account so that you can deposit from your pay check each week or month. This way, in no time at all you will begin saving for your next goal whether it be for a car, holiday or some minor surgery.