EYE OF THE TIGER Igniting Your Unstoppable Busienss Destiny

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Igniting for Your Unstoppable Business Destiny

3So many times it happens so fast,

You change your passion for glory.

Don1t lose your grip on the

dreams of the past

You must fight just to keep them



Eye of the Tiger

I have seen the movie 20 times and, to this day, 3Rocky IV2 still leaves a lasting imprint on my mind and my soul. If you have not seen the movie, do yourself a favor and rent it this weekend.

Why do I love this movie? Unlike most other films that start with the movies hero at rock bottom, this movie opens with Rocky Balboa at the peak of his success and now a 3retired2 Heavy Weight Champion of the World. The gorgeous home, the exotic car, a beautiful family... yet one thing is missing deep within his soul.

The passion, the hunger, the force that drove the Italian Stallion to defy the greatest of odds, to overcome the greatest of feats and eventually to rise to the top of the boxing world.

It took the death of his closest friend and, at one time, greatest rival, Apollo Creed, to re-ignite the fire and the
dream that eventually brought him head on in the boxing ring with Creed1s deadly perpetrator - the testosterone
drugged, Atlas cloned Russian fighter.

As the movie proceeds, you get a real contrast of Rocky and his opponent - their drives, their training methods,
their mindset.

A very out of shaped Rocky goes off to the brutally cold Siberian wilderness and uses the forces of nature to
strengthen his body, mind and spirit. Our Russian boxer, on the other hand, who is already massive in size and
raw brute power uses the most high tech training methods to bulk up and pump up his iron clad endurance.

But as we soon learn by the end of the film, even the most advanced high tech training techniques in the world
cannot compete or win against a strong will, a strong drive, a strong fire in the soul.

Yes, once again, Rocky is the victor!

The movie's message profoundly speaks to the business world as well. A very wise mentor to whom I am most grateful once said to me:


Yet, in my experience as a business coach, I have found that at most 10% of all business owners truly know or
act on their compelling 3why.2 Those who do know their compelling 3why2 often go astray in their daily routine or 3trade their passion for glory.2 Is it any wonder why only 10% of all businesses survive after five years?

It is our compelling 3why2 that gets us through the most challenging of times, keeps us on track, and fuels our
businesses to unimaginable heights against the greatest of odds. The fire within can never die; it can only be extinguished. Your ultimate business destiny depends on keeping that fire alive.

If your business is struggling, stuck, or prospering but has lost its sense of purpose or drive, take time and ask
yourself: Where have you 3traded your passion for glory?2 Have you 3lost your grip on the dreams of the past?2 How are you 3fighting to keep your ‘why1 alive?2

Denise Corcoran is a Master Business Coach, Strategic Consultant and Breakthrough Catalyst. Take your business to the next level! Subscribe to our premiere business success ezine - THE EMPOWERED BUSINESS (TM) - and learn the mindset, strategy and performance principles of superior businesses. BONUS: FREE teleclass offer to new subscribers. Details in Welcome Letter. To subscribe, send a blank email to:

About the Author

Denise Corcoran is a Master Business Coach, Strategic Consultant and Breakthrough Catalyst. Take your business to the next level! Subscribe to our premiere business success ezine - THE EMPOWERED BUSINESS (TM) - and learn the mindset, strategy and performance principles of superior businesses. To subscribe, send a blank email to: