FOCUS on Your Business Program. Power of FOCUS.

FOCUS on Your Business Program. Power of FOCUS.

 by: Raymond Johnsen

If you are anything like me, you probably find yourself often thinking of new projects to start, new things to achieve. I did that in my beginning on Internet. That in itself is very beneficial and indeed a required ingredient for success. The trick is to know where to draw a line.

The trap I kept falling into was hoping and looking for new and better programs all the time,easy to find new once,but i forgot about them the next day,instead of working on the programs you already joined and going for the results there.

I would often actually get dragged into gathering more and more information on new opportunities. I would spend time on developing them right then and there. I would be stealing the precious time away from the current project I was supposed to be working on. Obviously, it was a trap.Be aware of this trap! The current project would suffer, because there is only so much time in a day.No one gets results form Surfing the Internet for "Get Rich Tomorrow "and thinking,there must be an easier way!There is not,only hard work will give you success.Focus and work on your Business !

Then I would get discouraged with my current project and drop it because I didn't see any results. Think long term!One of my future projects would become my current project for the time being, until I'd drop it in favour of the next project. It's a trap,yes.

This is how most of New to Internet do it!!Dont do the same! Can you see the trap? And it gets even worse: If you keep on doing this for long enough, you will actually program your subconscious mind NOT to complete a project EVER. You will forever keep on failing. Eventually it may even filter through to other areas of your life. I did the same in the beginning,so much waste of time and money!

There is to many Traps out there. It's easy to see how working on your online business can become such a trap quickly. Internet is overloaded with information. I won't even mention the plethora of rubbish that exists online. But there is so much valuable information out there, go and find them,that developing your online business to a profitable stage can take forever, UNLESS you start employing the tremendous power of focus. It's the only way to do it,when you understand this you will get results!

Here is only one way,focus.To be a success in your online venture, you must not be working on more than two projects at a time, EVER. And preferably work on just one project, particularly if you only do your online venture on part-time basis.

And by that I mean, don't get distracted. Don't dilute your precious time. Work on your project, whatever it may be, until completion.Learn the program,take the training section over and over again,until you really know how it works!

Many programs can be difficult to understand,but take your time to understand it!

Learn how to!By all means, plan you future. If you want to work on the future ideas, set an hour per week aside for doing just that. And then each week spend that hour thinking about your new projects, write them down. When the time is up, go back to your current project.

I will guarantee you one thing: If you develop and use the power of focus, your success will get better and better with each project. Thats how i got from not getting any results to see great results every week. Focus.

On the other hand, if you keep falling into the trap of working on too many projects at the same time, the chances are you will get nowhere.

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