From Net Dummy To Net Savvy In Two Months

How I Went From Net Dummy To Net Savvy

In two short months, I went from being net dummy to being net savvy. How did that happen?

For two and a half years I roamed the net, searching for a way to establish a presence and generate additional income, without bursting my bank. For two and half years my hopes were dashed untill summer of 2003. I do not remember who it was that sent me the email about Site Build It, but who ever it was, I thank God for his or her life.

Having tried several things without success for the previous two years, I was naturally skeptical when I recieved the email. But because I was determined and set in my mind as to the direction I wanted my life to go, I pulled myself together and read through the email and clicked on the link. When I arrived at the site, I was even more skeptical. But as I read the information, my skepticism gradually dissipated. By the time I was finished with the information, I knew I had found what I was looking for- a package that would take me from where I was, at ZERO and work me through idea and keyword search and analysis, to preselling/content generation and web building, to search engine and traffic analysis and listing in the almighty Google search results, and all I had to do was read, click, copy and paste. I did not have to learn HTML or Java or any other script. That is the awesome power of Site Build It SBI.

SBI is so simple that a net dummy like myself could with little help, go to work with it in a few short days. Yet, SBI is so powerful that the most net savvy professionals confess to its awesome power and utility values. SBI is a practical tool. It is the net marketer's dream come true.

With SBI, you can brainstorm ideas, research keywords and do a profitability analysis on each keyword. You will be able to develop a central theme for your site and select the most profitable keywords to build your pages on and all you have to do is click, copy and paste. How simple does it get?

SBI will also register your domain name, give you the opportunity to build your site by simply copying and pasting blocks of text and links without knowledge of html or java script or if you are a techie, you can build your pages using any other browser language and SBI will be happy to work with that.

SBI automatically submits your pages as you build them, to the major search engines and monitors their performance and reports back to you through the SE headquarters. SBI will also monitor your traffic, down to the click throughs and the urls that are generating your click throughs. That is SBI and many more!

When my website came live on the net late 2003, it ranked 4.6 million on Alexa, the world's most renowned web ranking engine. Today, four months later, sits comfortably at 101,341 on Alexa. Thanks to SBI.

My recomendation is that if you are serious about establishing a net presence, whether you are a multinational corporation or just a little guy trying to make a go at the booming internet business, give SBI a try. And if you are confused like I was for a while, here is a little tool that might help you focus click here.

Though there is no way to tell how every web site will perform, SBI is so complete that the only way to fail is if you do no work. SBI is not a get rich quick scheme. It requires work. But you can be sure that if you do your part right, SBI will not fail you.

Now is the time to take the plunge! CLICK TO SUCCESS.

About the Author

Austin Akalanze is an educator and webmaster at