Get 200 Bucks More From Your Regular Job

I generally believe in the law of syncronicity. There is a
force out there somewhere that weaves all circumstances and
happenings in such a way that everything harmonizes. That is
why the best way to earn extra money is by what you are doing
for the boss all day long. Do the same thing only for yourself.

Some of the things you do in your job all day long are things
that can be done for the consumer or average homeowner. Other
things you do in the factory can relate to things done in the
home. For instance, if you are a chef, then you can cater
dinner parties. If on the other hand you work with relays and
sensors than you have to learn to scale those activities to
perhap vcr repair.

Once you have identified what you are good at and what skill you
have that can be "packaged" and marketed then you are ready to
hunt for clients. The quickest way is in the Sunday classified
ads of your local newspaper. The reason I say the Sunday
edition is because it has the most readers and gets the best
response for your buck.

Tax breaks for those of us in a home business are phenomanol.
You can write off all your car expenses, equipment and even
office expenses. If you find that you have a loss, that loss is
subtracted from the taxes you owe. You can claim a loss for 2
years before the IRS gets upset. At that point you had better
be making a profit.

As your business begins your first customers call for your help.

If you do a good job they refer others. It does not matter if
you are running a cleaning business or plumbing the word of good
service gets around.

So, don't be afraid to step out and start a small home biz.
With a 50 dollar ad you could be bringing home an extra couple
hundred a week. You can involve your family. And who knows?
You may just decide that working for yourself full time enriches
your life and frees you from a job you do not care for.

About the Author

About the Author:

Pete Casanova is Publisher of He
has a background in construction, electronics, mechanics
and internet marketing. To find out how to make your
internet service pay you visit
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