Get Organised for Christmas... NOW!

Get Organised for Christmas... NOW!

 by: Lorraine Pirihi

Hasn't time flown? Only six weeks to Christmas!

Now you may think that you're too busy to even contemplate that far ahead, however if you don't get your act together and prepare well in advance, instead of enjoying that time you could end up being totally stressed and miss valuable opportunities.

Your Business Checklist

Have you planned and booked the venue for your team break-up?

Do you know who will be having holidays and who will be working?

Do clients, suppliers, colleagues etc. need to be informed of your opening hours over Christmas? If so, when and how will you notify them?

Do you need to find out the availability of clients and suppliers over Christmas?

Have you organised personal and professional development for the New Year? How are you going to motivate the team after the holiday break?

Have you arranged a planning day to set your goals for 2005?

Who will you give gifts to this year?

What marketing activities need to be organised in the lead up to the end of the year?

What else do you need to do to ensure you are as prepared as possible?

Your Personal Checklist

If you're going on holiday, have you booked it?

When will you service your car?

If you want to have repairs or renovations at home completed by Christmas, have you planned to get them done?

What do you need to do to achieve your personal goals for this year?

Who will you buy gifts for this year?

When will you shop for those gifts?

What else do you need to do to ensure you are as prepared as possible?

Plan Everything In Your Diary

Set timeframes for all your actions and schedule everything into your diary. This is vital, otherwise you'll end up keeping yourself busy and before you know it all your good intentions will have fallen by the wayside and Christmas will be only a few days away.

The Final Word

Start preparing for the end of year now so you will be able to enjoy this special time instead of stressing yourself out getting everything done right up to the last minute.