Goalsetting - How to Easily Set and Get Your Goals

Goalsetting - How to Easily Set and Get Your Goals

 by: Lorraine Pirihi

Which of the following changes to your life do you want to make to your life this year?

  • To have a slim and trim body?

  • Find a stimulating job

  • Take up a sport or hobby

  • Buy your dream home

  • Travel to an exotic destination

  • Have more time with your family

  • Establish your own business

  • Double your income

  • Become involved in the community

  • Develop your creativity

  • Improve your skills

  • Create a plan for your financial future

  • Have more fun.

  • Enhance your current relationship or find a new partner.

  • All of the above

To help you channel your energy into achieving this year's goals, here are some practical ways to get you started. After all, there is no reason why you shouldn't start immediately, is there?

Goalsetting - Getting Started

Write a list of what you want to achieve this year.

Make sure what you've written down is specific, measurable and attainable. Eg. Lose 5 kgs by 30th April.

Write no. 1 against the most important goal. Write no. 2 against the next most important goal.

Continue numbering the rest of the goals.

Look at the goal with no. 1 next to it. ie. Lose 5 kilos. Start a separate list with the heading Lose 5 kilos by 30th April.

Write down the action steps you need to take to achieve this goal:

  • Join gym

  • Decide which specific days and times you will attend

  • Purchase gym gear

  • See nutritionist

Enter the action steps into your diary/electronic organiser on the day/s you will do these:

  • Jan 15th - join gym

  • Jan 16th - book nutritionist

  • Attend gym Monday/Wednesday/Friday at 6.00 a.m.

Ensure when you book time for yourself in your diary you treat it as a top priority. Unless there is an earthquake or equally devastating disaster occurring, keep that time sacred.

To ensure your goalsetting is successful, it is imperative to write your goals first and then plan the appropriate steps to take in your diary. Otherwise your goals could end up being wishful thinking!

Goal/Dream Chart

Having visual reminders is a valuable part of the goalsetting process. It's a great way to prompt and keep you motivated to follow through. Cut out a picture of the body you'd like to have from a magazine and stick a photo of your head on top of it. Alternatively if you want to recapture the way you were some time ago, find an old photo of yourself. You can place these on your desktop, car dashboard and the fridge at home.

Do this for your other goals (minus the head). In fact having a dream chart with pictures or words of the things you want to achieve is a great stimulus for your sub-conscious mind. Sticking these reminders onto green paper is even more effective. I have one of these in my office and guess what? It actually works!

Action Is The Key

Once you've identified what you want, written it down, planned when you will take action and done your goal/dream chart, nothing will happen unless you get off your butt and take action towards those goals.

Avoid the 'Too Much Too Soon' Syndrome

Often people try making many changes at once then get disillusioned because there are too many things to do and just give up. If you've done this in the past, tackle one goal at a time. If you really have difficulty going it alone, you may benefit from using the services of a life coach like myself who will keep you on track.

Dare to Fail

In Billi Lim's bestselling book "Dare to Fail" he shares the following story:

A woman once walked up to a little old man rocking in a chair on his porch.

"I couldn't help noticing how happy you look", she said. "What's the secret for a long happy life?'

"I smoke three packs of cigarettes a day', he said. "I also drink a case of whisky a week, eat fatty foods and never exercise."

"That's amazing, the woman said. "How old are you?"

"Twenty-six", he said.

The Final Word On Goalsetting

You too can achieve your goals if you really want to. The goals you set must fit in with your values. For instance if you really value your health and well-being (and you should…you're no good to anyone if you're sick or even worse…dead,) then it will be easier for you to take action around this area.

Goalsetting is an ongoing process. Plan and get off your butt now to achieve what you want in your life otherwise you could get stuck in the usual rut and before you know it, another year has passed by.

Take action today!