Got an Idea

Got an Idea?
If you are like me you have had many good ideas. Then you got excited about it and when all was said and done, you did nothing with it, or someone else came up with the idea and moved on it. Does that sound familiar?

How many times have you kicked yourself for not taking action? Too many to count as far as I am concerned.

It’s not enough to just have a good idea. You have to also develop a plan. The captain of a ship leaving port knows where he is going and how he is going to get there. Unless you plan to just drift on the sea of life you need to chart your course to a specific destination. That doesn’t mean you can’t make changes. Change is inevitable. You can change your destination and your course but stay true to the journey.

The next step is to take action. If you are serious about your idea and your plan, you must make an action plan as part of your overall plan, otherwise this idea will sit on the shelf collecting proverbial dust.

There is a web site dedicated to helping entrepreneurs both seasoned and novice. The Electronic Entrepreneur Network is designed for the exchange of ideas, experiences and knowledge and it’s free. There are lots of valuable links and suggested reading material as well.

So the next time you think you have a great idea, research it, develop it, plan it and “just do it”.

“Every journey begins with a single step”
Good luck.
Ray Anctil

About the Author

Ray Anctil an entrepreneur and is the author of "What Can You do When Your World is Turned Upside Down". His web site is dedicated to helping small business start-ups with development and business palnning. Visit for ideas, plans and lots of resources. email: