Got the Career Blues Step Outside the Box!

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Thanks, Claudette Rowley

Got the Career Blues? Step Outside the Box!
Claudette Rowley
Copyright 2004

"Above all to thine own self be true."
- William Shakespeare

Clients often come to me saying that they want to change careers
or jobs, although they have no idea what they want to do. Most
of us look for a new job or career through a specific lens or
paradigm, that limits the scope of possibilities considerably.
Here are some ideas to widen your view, and strategies to help
you step "outside the box."

- If you are currently employed, how does your current position

make you feel? Valued? Uncomfortable? Competent?

Incompetent? Excited? Depressed? How have you felt in past


- What do you like and not like about your current position? If

you're not employed, think back to previous jobs. Make a list

of "likes" and "don't likes." Next, expand your list of what

you like to include ALL of your skills, abilities and talents.

If you're an accountant who likes to garden, put gardening on

your list.

- Notice your energy levels when you are doing your job or

specific tasks you undertake in the rest of your life. Observe

which tasks energize you and which drain your energy. Energy

is a KEY indicator of life satisfaction and fulfillment. And

noticing your energy helps you to connect with your body and

its messages.

- While you're in the initial "What do I want to do?" stage, take

MONEY out of the equation. Considering money as a factor is

the fastest way to quash any dreams, passions or aspirations

that might rise to the surface. I hear this from clients all

the time. "Well, I have to make money. I have a mortgage to

pay, kids to support. I couldn't possibly run off and write

novels on the beach." Yes, you need to have money. And once

you've identified what you want to do, then you can find ways

to make it work with your financial needs.

- Be alert for ideas that are quickly followed by "This is

crazy!" Or notice yourself telling someone, "I know this

sounds crazy, but...." So called "crazy" ideas are often sure

signs that you're on the right track, that you've uncovered an

idea or value or passion that resonates deeply with you.

- Other questions: What does my gut tell me? What do I need to

be honest with myself about?

Career changes are often indicators that something deeper within
us is attempting to emerge, that we are ready to grow and
change. Don't be surprised if a career transition or the quest
for one heralds changes in other parts of your life or causes
you to examine them from a different perspective. For example,
you may feel immense gratitude for what you have. Or you may
stand up for the first time and say "I'm not going to take this
anymore!" Since we don't operate in a vacuum, one change will
affect the next. And that domino effect is often the best thing
that's ever happened to you.

About the Author

Claudette Rowley, coach and author, helps professionals
identify and pursue their true purpose and calling in life.
Contact her today for a complimentary consultation at 781-676-5633
or Sign up for her free newsletter
"Insights for the Savvy" at