Home Based Business Time Wasters

Copyright 2004 by http://www.organicgreens.us and Loring Windblad. This article may be freely copied and used on other web sites only if it is copied complete with all links and text intact and unchanged except for minor improvements such as misspellings and typos.

OK, you have successfully launched your new home based business. You are using the internet in your business. You have a TV set in your office, and the kids are either back in school or grown and gone their own ways. And you are working. In your work you use the internet for research on occasion, and you decide to keep the TV set on “for whit noise in the background.” What to have running?

1. What does your work area look like (see photo at right). Did you remember to clean your desk space and do all your filing last night at close of business. Is your old work all properly filed and is your work space clean and neat, holding only your current work? If not, it should be. Don’t work in a workspace as shown in the photo it is terribly time wasting.

2. I’ve gotta do my email. I get my regular daily portion of SPAM that I have to sort through diligently every morning for 2 or 3 hours just in case I received a new job coming in via email? There are several solutions here. Mine is Mailwasher but e-prompter and several others are also available. Here’s where to look for them:

3. Egad! But I hate Microsoft. I got so many pop-ups using Internet Explorer (yes, Microsoft has a device installed in IE that allows those annoying pop-ups to magically appear) and switched to Netscape which has them but far fewer. But I still get the darned things. Now they all seem to be Netscape Ads??? Help me please!

Okay, here’s a couple of places to go for help to get rid of most (99%+) of those annoying pop-ups that seem to plague us all. There’s a couple of them quickly available, one free and one you buy as part of a major utility program, System Mechanic. I’ve been using Popup Stopper from System Mechanic for about 2 ½ months and, to date, it has stopped 10631 at this writing. I’ve only had a half a dozen popups since this was installed and those only because I was running iMesh for downloads. You can get these programs at:
http://www.iolo.com and search out System Mechanic 4
http://www.google.com and download and install the Google Tool Bar

About the Author

Loring Windblad is a published author and successful HBB entrepreneur for the past 40 years. His latest HBB involvement is with Organic Greens.