How Easy Is It To Give Away Money?

How Easy Is It To Give Away Money?

 by: Nigel Owen

Instead of "gambling" with my online business, I've discovered that I can invest in my business by simply paying for other people to join my group. Once they see how this works for me, they're delighted to pay for other people to join THEIR group as well. Their group grows, my group grows, and we all make money!

But How easy is it to get the message across? I recently discovered that a British bank was shocked to find it could not even give away money.

The branch of Barclays Bank, in Croydon, London, put up a sign offering a £5 note to anyone who stepped inside to collect it.

But bank officials told the BBC that no-one took up the offer.

The experiment, carried out for two hours one day in January, was to help Barclays understand "what engages customers as they walk past branches".

A spokeswoman for the bank said: "The basic conclusion that we came to was that people would much rather look at shops that are selling dresses than financial services.

"Obviously we are always looking for better ways to engage with our customers."

She stressed the experiment was a one-off.

So I must stress myself. The experiment with IGiveAwayMoney is not a one-off, it is the real deal. My group grows and grows and I continue to pay for members to join this exciting opportunity with No risk on their part. If you are serious about joining a program that you want to be part of for years to come you are in the right place at the right time.

Join me today
