How important is content to a successful website

How important is content to a successful website

 by: Susan Prince

Content is the most important part of any website.

The Internet was created in the first place as an information source. If the content on your site does not provide the information needed by its users it will provide little in the way of value to your visitors who surf for information on many subjects. They require answers or solutions to their problems, needs, desires and wants. Provide the answers and they will return again and again.

A website is simply a way to communicate whatever message you want to get across. This message needs to answer visitor’s questions or satisfy their need for knowledge. To achieve this aim you will need a content rich website. The content will need to be relevant up to date and well organized and should be written uniquely for each page of your website and should be written as if you are talking to the customers.

Include such items as articles, tips, tutorials things that will hold your visitors interest and get them to return to your site again and again.

Update your content weekly this keeps the site fresh and interesting and Search Engines are always looking for website which offer information useful for their visitors.

A horrible site, which is full of information, will out nearly always, out perform a site, which is great on the eye but lacks any real body (content poor).

When writing content use familiar words and avoid using jargon; which many visitors may not understand.

Keep the number of words to a sentence and the number of sentences within a paragraph to a minimum.

A content rich website which is full of text rather than images will be Search Engine friendly. Search Engines collect their data using spiders. Spiders cannot see images or graphics only text. They can only move from page to page via a text link so it is crucial to have text links to your main section of your website on every page.

Remember to design your website to attract both the visitors and Search Engines. This is essential if you wish your site to be successful.

All the best
