How to Be Healthier and Happier at Work

How to Be Healthier and Happier at Work

 by: Lorraine Pirihi

Many office-based workers do not realise that the environment they spend a majority of their working week in, may not be good for their health.

Have you ever experienced headaches, respiratory infections, asthma or fatigue? Do these ailments occur at work? What happens when you go on holiday or at the weekends, do they still occur or do they miraculously disappear?

You’ll often find people’s desk drawers contain a variety of pills and potions to alleviate the ailments they experience at work.

John’s Story

John commenced work in a large open plan office a few months ago. He had been promoted from Team Leader in another division to the Manager of this new department. Since that time he has been continually unwell. He went on holiday for two weeks and all his ailments disappeared. A week later he returned to work and again he became sick. This of course greatly affected his productivity because when you feel unwell you don’t feel like doing much work…no matter how motivated you usually are.

Further investigation revealed that absenteeism in this department was high. People would often be away sick. John discovered the whole office had not had a thorough clean in two years…the carpet needed steam cleaning, the blinds had spider webs and thick dust, the partitions which divided the workstations had never been vacuumed.

John immediately organised for the entire office to be cleaned from floor to ceiling. I also suggested that he contact the local nursery to install plants in specific areas. Not only do plants make the environment look good, they assist with air filtration.

When I spoke to John again, he said he was feeling much better… and so did many of his colleagues!

Robyn’s Story

Robyn is the Human Resources Manager in a computer company. She began experiencing bad asthma attacks since moving to her open plan area.

She discovered that the office partitions had never been cleaned since their installation many years ago. The dust was exacerbating her condition. She has since had them thoroughly cleaned and her asthma has subsided!

Sally’s Story

At an on-site workshop I ran for a telecommunications company, one of the participants told us that her previous employer made a cost-cutting decision – to remove all the plants from the office. They had a contract with a plantscaping organisation and thought this would be an easy way to save money.

Within 6 weeks there was a noticeable increase in absenteeism through sickness. (And there wasn’t a flu epidemic at that time).

Save Time, Save Money, Save Yourself

If you want to save time and money and most importantly your health, look at the environment you work in.

Check out some of these areas and ask yourself or whoever is the most appropriate person: When was the last time the following was cleaned and is there an ongoing maintenance programme ?

Ducted heating



Cafe Units






Empower Yourself

Here are a few preventative measures you can take to ensure you remain healthy and happy at work.

Leave the office

Go for a walk at lunchtime; get some fresh air in your tea breaks. …and you don’t have to have a cigarette as an excuse to go outside.

Ensure your work area is cleaned regularly

Don’t wait for the cleaners to do it. Clean your desk; vacuum the area, including the partitions and blinds.

Live Plants

Place live plants near office equipment …photocopiers, computers, printers etc. Plants help filter the air.

Exercise regularly and eat healthily

If you want to keep fit and stay alive…just do it!

Electric Oil Burners

Use an electric oil burner and suitable essential oils to improve your productivity and enhance the environment

For more ideas on how to have a healthier and happier workplace see our e-book Get Organised – Get A LIFE!

The Final Word

When you’re busy being busy, you often overlook the little things that make a huge impact on your productivity.

You have every right to work in a safe and healthy environment. If "the powers to be" are serious about the health and welfare of their employees then these issues need to be addressed.

If no-one will to take responsibility and the appropriate action, then you take control and do what you can yourself. After all if you're not prepared to look after yourself, don't expect others to do so.

Have a great week

Lorraine Pirihi