How To Get Easy Loans With Bad Credit

Let's take a little break from your promotional
activities and talk about the subject of financing.
Financing an e-business and the related working
capital is often overlooked by many entrepreneurs,but
it's the oil that greases the wheels on which your
total business runs.

It's no surprise that many individuals seeking
personal loans to start a business or for personal
needs sometimes have trouble getting such
financing. And for a reason. They often overlook one
great source of personal loans - namely Private
Lenders. That's exactly what I'm going to talk to you
about in this article.

So just what is a Private Lender? Here's a simple

- Any individual or group of individuals who use the
excess funds they have available to make a wide
variety of loans based upon their own preferences.

- They could be doctors, lawyers, accountants, wall
street investors, and other professionals who invest
extra funds to generate income by financing ventures
of their choice.

- They lend on deals they like because the loan
proposal appeals to them. Or, they like the expertise
or experience of the individual involved. To them,
credit and related issues as required by traditional
lenders are not of paramount importance.

- These folks do their lending for a second income,
instead of a primary income. Lending is not their
main source of income. Usually they generate their
main source of income from their jobs or businesses
they own.

- They're NOT banks, and do not ever seek or accept
deposits from anyone. They are neither a credit
union or a mortgage company. Instead, they are
regular people with tons of money who simply seek
out good deals to lend on. Therefore, they do not
have to obey the local banking rules.

What kinds of loans might you get from private
lenders? As indicated above, private lenders provide
funding for a wide variety of lending situations so
long as the total package makes good economic

One type of financing private lenders provide is
personal loans. Personal loans may include auto
loans,real estate purchase, education, medical,
acquisition of a business, debt consolidation,
vacation, furniture, starting or expanding an e-
business, etc.

The next question is: how can you get a personal
loan from private lenders? There are two primary
methods. The one I will discuss here involves three
simple easy steps:

1. You locate a private lender who makes the type of
personal loans you need.

2. When you locate your private lender; ask for
details of their loans or 'lending parameters'.

3. Complete the paperwork following the guidelines of
the particular private lender. Be sure you type the
document and send them in to your lender for
approval. That's it!

A word of CAUTION here. You may be tempted to pay
upfront fees to these lenders in order to obtain the
loan. DON'T! Never, ever pay any upfront fees to any
lender until your loan is in your pocket.

The final question is: where do you find these private
lenders? Look for them in the 'Money Available'
pages of your local large-city newspaper, particularly
the Sunday issues, in magazines serving your business,
in trade group publications, and in other special

There are also firms that have been publishing the
names and addresses of private lenders and
investors in specialized publications over the past
twenty years. You can search them out in your local
or business public library. You should breeze
through this process now that you know how and

About the Author

Peter C. Forkuo is an international capital
consultant. He specializes in 'high-risk' loans for
people and businesses who are unable to get loans
from traditional lending institutions. For a FREE
excerpt from his new eBook: "A Major Breakthrough
In WebSite Financing" go here NOW: