How to Make Sales by Going the Extra Mile

An interesting thing happened today. I had a "newbie" marketer email me with a question. Although I knew the answer to his question, I didn't feel super confident in conveying it the way it needed to be said.

I had just finished reviewing an ebook for my next ezine, "Yes You Can!"

A review of "Ebook Farming, by Dennis Gaiskel. So I forwarded the question to the author, asking for his assistance.

Dennis sent back a 3 paragraph answer. It was wonderful. It was then forwarded to my subscriber and I also recommended he get the Ebook.

I gave him my honest opinion of the ebook and of the author.

Lo and behold, a few hours later, I checked my email. I had made a sale through clickbank to the subscriber for Ebook Farming.

I also had another email from the subscriber, who, had problems at the download page and hadn't received his bonuses.

My perception, from the way that email read, told me that this could've been, this person's first online information product purchase!

He said,

Thank you, Laurie.
I bought the book, even though I really couldn't afford
it at the time (but my wife is out, so :-) )

I messed up by hitting delete, after I downloaded the
ebook, and didn't get my bonuses :-(. But, I wrote him, maybe he is compassionate and will let me have them anyway. :-)
Thanks again,

I answered:

He will answer you, when he gets your email, he will help you anyway you need.
He gets a lot of emails, so it may take him a while to get back to you, especially since it is a weekend.

Let me know what you think, I know this ebook will help you quite a bit.


Now part of my mind was saying to myself, "I hope he likes this ebook as much as I did!" There was a little doubt and worry there.

Another part of my mind was saying, "There is no way this guy cannot be pleased after he has read this ebook!" Dennis goes way above and beyond the average information seller in delivering more than you expect to learn.

I finished the email asking him to let me know what he thinks of the ebook.

A few hours later I get an email that starts out like this:

I will tell you what I think. (oh uh!) "I thought!"

It's a good thing I didn't stop reading there, LOL

I will tell you what I think. I think you are a very
special person! You have really gone out of your way
to help me, and I appreciate it. If there is ever any
thing I can do to help you, please let me know.

"Wow, all in a few short emails, a little time out of a days work.

A few simple emails provided my business

a commission,
sold an ebook for a colleague,
and got a testimonial to the type of response I provide to my subscribers questions.

Imagine what kind of business you would have if you treated every customer with this type of TLC (tender loving care!)

How to Make Sales by Going the Extra Mile

An interesting thing happened today. I had a "newbie" marketer email me with a question. Although I knew the answer to his question, I didn't feel super confident in conveying it the way it needed to be said.

I had just finished reviewing an ebook for my next ezine, "Yes You Can!"

A review of "Ebook Farming, by Dennis Gaiskel. So I forwarded the question to the author, asking for his assistance.

Dennis sent back a 3 paragraph answer. It was wonderful. It was then forwarded to my subscriber and I also recommended he get the Ebook.

I gave him my honest opinion of the ebook and of the author.

Lo and behold, a few hours later, I checked my email. I had made a sale through clickbank to the subscriber for Ebook Farming.

I also had another email from the subscriber, who, had problems at the download page and hadn't received his bonuses.

My perception, from the way that email read, told me that this could've been, this person's first online information product purchase!

He said,

Thank you, Laurie.
I bought the book, even though I really couldn't afford
it at the time (but my wife is out, so :-) )

I messed up by hitting delete, after I downloaded the
ebook, and didn't get my bonuses :-(. But, I wrote him, maybe he is compassionate and will let me have them anyway. :-)
Thanks again,

I answered:

He will answer you, when he gets your email, he will help you anyway you need.
He gets a lot of emails, so it may take him a while to get back to you, especially since it is a weekend.

Let me know what you think, I know this ebook will help you quite a bit.


Now part of my mind was saying to myself, "I hope he likes this ebook as much as I did!" There was a little doubt and worry there.

Another part of my mind was saying, "There is no way this guy cannot be pleased after he has read this ebook!" Dennis goes way above and beyond the average information seller in delivering more than you expect to learn.

I finished the email asking him to let me know what he thinks of the ebook.

A few hours later I get an email that starts out like this:

I will tell you what I think. (oh uh!) "I thought!"

It's a good thing I didn't stop reading there, LOL

I will tell you what I think. I think you are a very
special person! You have really gone out of your way
to help me, and I appreciate it. If there is ever any
thing I can do to help you, please let me know.

"Wow, all in a few short emails, a little time out of a days work.

A few simple emails provided my business

a commission,
sold an ebook for a colleague,
and got a testimonial to the type of response I provide to my subscribers questions.

Imagine what kind of business you would have if you treated every customer with this type of TLC (tender loving care!)

About the Author

Laurie Meade is editor of the "Yes You Can!" Ezine. She tells it like it is, the honest facts in her own
words and opinions. No hype, just the strait truth! A WAHM who wants
to help other's who are trying to figure out what works and what doesn't! or
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