How to Network Your Way to Success

How to Network Your Way to Success

 by: Lorraine Pirihi

Successful people do not achieve success on their own, they surround themselves with a well-developed, sophisticated support network. In a world that grows more complex and more competitive each day, networking is necessary not only for survival but for high achievement"…excerpt from the best-selling book "Masters of Networking".

Observing many people when I'm out and about attending various business related functions, I'm convinced that so many of them do not realize how powerful it is to make the effort to meet others and network.

Networking is great for business... if you do it right and have a system in place to follow up.

Secret No. 1

The successful networker always carries their business cards with them. They have stacks of cards in their diary, purse, wallet, all bags…briefcases, laptop, handbag, car and office.

Before they step outside the front door in the morning, they check they have their business cards.

They know their card is a crucial promotional tool and ensure that the information on it clearly says what they do, has all their contact details and the design is attractive. The super successful networker likes to stand out from the crowd and will have a card that stands out too. Often they'll have a photo of themselves on it and information on the back stating what they specialize in.

Secret No. 2

When you meet the superstar networker they will ask you questions about yourself and your business and they will genuinely LISTEN TO YOU. They will focus their attention on you and maintain eye contact. They will ask you for your business card and offer you one of theirs.

Secret No. 3

The successful networker will write on the back of your business card where they met you and a couple of key points about you, so they remember who you are. They may do that immediately afterwards or later that day.

Secret No. 4

The superstar networker may provide you with a contact to help you and will expect nothing in return as they know what goes around comes around.

Secret No. 5

The successful networker will have a follow-up system. They will enter the details of the relevant contacts they have made into their database and communicate with those people within a couple of days. They'll ring or send an email , card or letter saying it was great to meet you, include information of the goods/services they offer which may benefit you. If they sent you information they'll FOLLOW-UP usually by phone a couple of days later.

Secret No. 6

The successful networker knows that the power of networking is in building relationships. They will stay in touch with you via an occasional letter, email, phone call or newsletter.

Get Connected And Get A Serious Return On Your Investment

Never underestimate how powerful networking is. It works if you work it. I know because it has played a huge part in the success of my own business.

Unfortunately many businesspeople waste their time, energy and money attending events because they don't know how to network effectively to get results.

They usually take your business card, promise to get in touch and never do! Or they get back to the office with a handful of business cards and throw them in a drawer, never to be seen again!

Now you can learn how to make the most of your time and money and learn from the people who specialise in this area.

Global Networking Specialist Robyn Henderson is a living testament of how powerful the skill of networking is.

Both Robyn and I have recognised that so many people would benefit from knowing not only how to network but how to manage their time so they can be far more successful from their networking efforts and get a serious return on their investment.

In response to this need, we've produced a brand new product entitled "Get Connected - Timesaving Tips For Serious Networkers"(see details below).

The Final Word

Make the most of your opportunities in the future, learn how to network effectively on an on-going basis and you will see the dramatic impact it will have on your business.