How To Save Money On Shoes

People can spend a lot of money buying shoes. For some, it's nothing out of the ordinary to have a whole closet filled with shoes, some that you haven't seen in decades. And of course, with so many shoes, this habit can easily put a substantial dent in your bank account. If you like shopping for shoes but don't particularly like paying for them, then this article is for you. I'll give you a few tried and true tips that can help you save some serious cash.

The first tip is that when you shop can make a big difference. Many people love to shop on the weekends, primarily because that is the only time that is available. But few people know that during the week you can get some pretty good bargains. Plenty of people that sell shoes make their money primarily from commissions, so when there aren't that many customers, they will be hungry to make a sale. Tuesday and Wednesday nights are the best times to go.

When you do find yourself all alone in the shoe department on a Tuesday evening, be prepared to bargain. This simply means asking for a discount from the price tag. The people that sell shoes have more power to do this than many people realize. When offered the choice between no sale, and a sale at a discount, they will more often than not take the second option. This means a cheaper price for you.

Another trick is to know exactly what want before you go shopping. If you have a vague idea of what of shoe you want, you'll likely end up spending way more than you'd hoped. However, if you set out with a specific price range in mind, as well as a specific brand and model, you can easily save yourself a few dollars.

What is likely hands down the best strategy to saving money on shoes is to simply buy them online. Since there are so many on line retailers, you can shop around quite a bit until you find a really good price. If you need to, you can check the stores first, and try them on and see how they look, just make sure that when it's time to pull out the plastic, you do so from the safety of your computer, where rational thinking can prevail.

This simple tips, shopping during the week, learning to bargain, and shopping online can be powerful ways to save money. You'll get all the shoes you want, and much cheaper prices. And with all the money you save, you can simply buy more shoes.