How to Set Up Your Home Office

How to Sep up your Home Office

You have taken a great step to running your own life. Now is the time to get yourself organised within your home office. What I am going to show will make life a bit easier now that you are the boss and time is money. Let get you organised. You are now the CEO of your own business and should treat it responsibly. If you treat your business as a hobby then you will only earn what a hobby would earn. However if you treat your business responsibly you will see profits coming in. Set your goals realistically, write them down, print them and stick them up where they can be seen every time you enter your office. By following this simple method you will see growth in your business.

On the other hand if you fail to set up your office properly do not expect to succeed. You will find your business will become disorganised and haphazard, even you won’t want to work for you.

You will need to find a quite place within your home where you can work. If you have a desk great, set it up in the area you have decided to work from. If however at this stage you do not have a desk then earmark a table top as your primary workplace. You will no doubt need to use your telephone and internet to run your business so enure that your computer, and workplace are neighbours. Your computer must have internet access and I would recommend that you have at least two email addresses if you are going to take advantage of the many free internet advertisements available. Remember that through these ads you will receive a lot of junk mail so I recommend that you do not use your main email address when advertising. If it is within your start up budget I would recommend the installation of a business only telephone line.

Scheduling is crucial to your business that is why I recommend you use a daily/weekly planner. I also recommend colour coding your appointments and to do lists using marker pens. Within your daily scheduling you should include:

a.Personal or family time.
d.Administration time
f.Appointments/presentation calls
g.Training call/coaching calls


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