How To Start A Business When You Are Broke

The Profit Project

Most plans for a new business require a lot of money. You have
to buy equipment, rent space, hire employees, then play a myriad
of bills that you never expected.

That is great if you have a rich uncle or friends at the bank,
or if you just cashed in your stock options from your job at
Microsoft. But what about the rest of us?

The old "charge your way to wealth with credit cards" doesn't
work if you already have them maxed out. And you can't quit your
job if you NEED that check to keep food on the table.

The only answer is to seriously adjust your thinking. Get ready
to be ultra creative. Start a business that you can get going
for FREE or almost free.

1. Get an order pad, sign up as a reseller, and start knocking
on doors. This works surprisingly well. Find a business that
will let you sell their products with a profit built in for you
to keep. Target offices, homes, and organizations who have a
real NEED for what you sell.

Start by noticing something about the surroundings. "I love the
flowers you have growing" is a great ice breaker when a home
owner opens the door.

2. Get involved with ONE good network marketing program and
several affiliate programs. Many huge networking companies will
let you jump in for about $30. They give you marketing
materials, strategies, and lots of help from more experienced
people in the organization.

Basically it is becoming a franchisee, only you don't have to
fork over hundreds of thousands of dollars like you would if you
were starting a franchised restaurant. You get a plan and
popular products to sell.

3. Offer to help a busy service provider from your house. You
would be surprised how many of the Internet's most successful
gurus are up to their eyeballs in responsibility. Often they
will farm some (or much!) of the work out to you to do from your
own business at home. All you have to do is ask.

Finally, let me mention something that is very close to my heart
and should be close to yours. As tough as things can get for we
Americans during a recession, it is far, far worse for people in
many third world countries. You can be the hardest working, most
ambitious person in history and still not have the two dollars it
takes to buy an order pad. You don't have it and you never will.

A very small loan can turn the tide for millions of people,
especially poor women desperate to feed their children. All
they need is a helping hand to get their business started.
In the process, you do something real and needed to stop
terrorism at its economic roots.

About the Author

Stafford "Doc" Williamson of The Profit Project shows people how
to earn a steady income by helping the world's poorest women
start their own businesses. You can become a major
philanthropist for just $10/month. Subscribe to The Profit
Project to earn commissions and bonuses while helping end
world hunger.
Reach Doc at or 866-407-5369.