How to Turn an Idea into $100,000

How to Turn an Idea into $100,000

 by: Kathleen Gage

Do you ever wonder why some people seem to get all the lucky breaks in business while others struggle to barely get by? They seem to be in the right place at the right time.

Fact is, maybe they’re not at the right place at the right time; maybe they just know how to make things “happen.”

As a business advisor I often see people begin and end a business before they have given it a chance to grow. For some reason, they seem to think that all they have to do is have a product or service to sell and the rest magically takes care of itself.

Nothing could be further from the truth. For any business to succeed there are steps that must be taken.

Success in business is actually quite simple. Not always easy, but it is simple.

As the top rated home-based business in the state of Utah for 2004 I speak from experience. My success is a direct result of the actions I have taken on a daily basis.

My success is also a result of having some great mentors over the years. Mentors who were willing to share time and knowledge in order that I could grow my business.

My choice with the information that was shared was to either use it or not. Fortunately, in many cases I listened and applied what was recommended.

On the other hand, I often had people who served as a warning of what not to do in business. People who struggled day in and day out and yet, were more than willing to tell others how to succeed in business.

To me they are as much of a benefit to the growth of my business as those who serve as a model. I was able to look at them and see what I didn’t want. I could also see that in many cases they wanted instant success without the effort.

One of the greatest lessons I have learned from my mentors is to explore ideas I get. Not just explore, but have a plan of action and a systematic approach to implementing the idea. And to trust my instinct. And be willing to take risks. It has been said, “With risk comes reward.”

Granted, not all my ideas have been wildly successful. As a matter of fact, some downright “failed.” And yet, out of every failure was the seed to another idea that held the possibility of success.

Regardless of the type of business you are in, you can achieve a high level of success. It’s a matter of your level of commitment and having a vision of what you want to achieve.

Such was the case with an idea I came up with a little over a year ago. Although I had some of those “warning” folks tell me it could never work, I chose to listen to those who have been successful in idea implementation and explore where the idea could take me. Thank goodness I followed my instinct and implemented the idea. That one idea has made me over $100,000.

The really amazing thing is that out of that one idea have come others. An offshoot idea is a FREE report in which I outline step-by-step what the idea was and how it generated the revenues.

If you would like to get your own copy of my report entitled, “Learn How One Salt Lake City Based Business Consultant Made Over 100k from One Idea” go to to receive it. If learning how a home based business owner did this is not important then don’t. Either way, the choice is yours.

And isn’t that what life is about, choice?

Copyright © 2004 by Kathleen Gage

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