I KNOW I'm in Heaven!

I've recently completed an extensive training course to become
a Certified Hypnotherapist (C.Ht) in a program that emphasizes
a connection between everything we think, say or do in spiritual
terms. I'd like to suggest that there is a kind of Zen of business
at work in every aspect of our business lives as well. Those that
approach their business life with spiritual zest and a driven
faith that they will succeed will very often find themselves at
the top of market in their chosen fields.

The firm belief and understanding that you KNOW this is what you
are supposed to be doing with your life is something that business
giants possess far more often than the rest of the working world.
There are secretaries that realize this early in their career.
These are the secretaries that become Executive Assistant and
Corporate Executive Secretary. They think they are in Heaven.

Janitors that KNOW end up being Building Superintendents and
Maintenance Engineers running sprawling office complexes, twenty
story buildings and shopping centers with a staff of janitors
and facilities engineers working for them and believe they are
in Heaven.

There are those that KNOW when it comes to business principles
that they are intended to operate small businesses. This type of
entrepreneur has an innate sense of how to make a business run
smoothly and effortlessly with unmatched joy and spirited energy.
These masters of success are living in Business Heaven.

Those that KNOW are to be envied and studied so we can learn
the path to business enlightenment ourselves. Now let's return
to my opening and the Hypnotherapy Training. In working with
clients struggling with difficult personal issues, phobias,
addictions and past traumas during my training I watched in
awe as they reach a KNOWING about their issue that finally
helps them to conquer their demons and make meaningful change.

I've determined that this KNOWING can be found and nurtured
for business success as well. We all have the capacity, the
intuition and the resources to acheive entrepreneurial nirvana
if we only have the desire to reach into ourselves and find
it. I may even develop my own love of small business into a
"Business Success" and "Financial Prosperity" hypnosis practice.
The ability to call upon our own resources from deep inside is
nothing short of magical when done while in hypnosis.

The course I completed can be seen in an ad we run regularly
below for the Alchemy Institute of Healing Arts hypnotherapy
training school. I had no intention of actually becoming a
hypnotherapist when I began the course in trade for work in
marketing their web site.


The course is a highly recommended method of profound personal
transformation. But once I saw the healing and personal growth
that came for myself and all my fellow classmates, (ach of us
have done hundreds of hours of "practice" hypnosis sessions on
fellow classmates). I am sure I will use it to help others.

Even if it's only to convince others of their own ability to
be successful in web business. We are all being hypnotized by
mass media to believe that the internet is a failure when in
fact there are literally millions of us working profitably
online. I KNOW that I'm in Heaven. ^j^

About the Author

Mike Banks Valentine
WebSite101 "Reading List" Weekly Netrepreneur Tip Sheet
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