Improving Profitability - for Small Moving Companies

One of the advantages that national removal companies have over all smaller operations is that of their networks.

When moving long distance, they do not have to pay a whole crew to travel: The van can simply be met by a local crew, and althoughit may not work perfectly every time, these companies are set up to deliver a return removal. These two crucial advantages combine with their brand derived pricing strength, to make efficient business.

So what can small businesses do to improve efficiency?

Small removers may be cutting their own throat with that attitude which just wishes their competition would all fall in a hole, and leave the way clear.

When business is good, competitors don't seem to matter; pricing pressures are reduced. However, when times are lean, we all know how low some removers will drop their prices to get that work! Low pricing intended only to cover fixed overheads (in bad times)is unsustainable and very unattractive! The situation can be remedied however, if small firms seek out an efficient business model.

Small removal businesses need to need to develop relationships with their fellow movers around the country. Building trust is not easy, but the rewards are worth the effort. is committed to encouraging the savings which lead to reduced costs for customers while increasing the profitability of small professional operators.

There is a huge market for moving small loads and single items. If these jobs could be concentrated, they could create opportunities for load sharing and return loads. Labour saving devices (such as obtaining unloading help from small firms local to the destination) can further increase profitability. Small removal companies can be flexible enough to be able to co operate.

But the key is to provide a platform where jobs suitable for load sharing can concentrate;- and that’s what the Student-movers-forum seeks to provide.

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You can read advice on small moves, packing and insurance, at Also listed are suitable small move/partload specialist removers.See:-removal companies.

About the Author

The author has spent 25 years in various service industries, including the last 8 in the removals sector.