In The Footsteps Of The MoneyMakers

One of the keys to understanding how to earn income
online is to quietly observe how others succeed - or
how they stumble and fall in their marketing efforts.

If you've ever posted an url on a free for all links site,
no doubt, you were promptly deluged with dozens of
"confirmation e-mails," most of which were nothing
more than advertisements for some fancy new product
or business program.

If you're new to the net, instead of quickly deleting
these irritating mails, it may ultimately be to your
benefit to sample a few first. Glance inside and study
how these advertisers are trying to get your attention.
Notice the use of language. The catch phrases used.
Study how are they trying to entice you to click on
their url link and visit their website.

Are they using the hardsell? Or are they being
somewhat evasive and coy, hinting that you're
missing your one final shot at financial success,
unless you do something right now! The catch is
that you won't know "exactly" what it is they're
about, until you take a look-see at their web site.
A good technique.

Also emulate those techniques which you find to
be effective. Or that ring of truth. A good advertisement
is one that puts you in a receptive or positive mindset.

And learn what not to do, from those advertisements
that you find to be poorly conceived, insulting, awkwardly
written, or unprofessional. If you don't like what you're
reading. Ask yourself why. You certainly don't want to
waste your precious time designing an advertising
campaign, that will only turn potential customers off.

One of the smartest things you can also do is to
memorize the names that you come across from day
to day. Names such as Allan Gardyne, Ken Evoy,
or Corey Rudl, to site a few examples.

This is very important.

You will notice that internet entrepreneurs such as those
just mentioned, are accomplished at getting their name,
their business, or their product, in front of the buying
public. And they do it legitimately, without spamming or
using other unsavory methods.

In fact, many of these established internet entrepreneurs,
never use ffa sites, or any annoying devices such as those
gruesome pop-up ads that ensnare your web brower.
Most will not post to the popular business newsgroups.

But how have you come to recognize their names?

Perhaps they author ezine articles like this one. Or maybe
you've seen banner advertisements for their product on a
web-based e-mail site, or at an internet resource center that
you've visited. Maybe you've seen their ads on a classifieds
page. Alternately, some web site business owners may invite
a well-regarded internet entrepreneur to test a product or
service that they offer. Then they will quote their testimonial.
This tactic may boost sales and heighten the repuation of all
parties involved.

This is how it happens online, people work together, and
success often breeds more success.

But you don't have to be a BIG player to allow this pattern
to work for you, as well. Don't be discouraged if you're a
"newbie" and don't know anyone. Even the big moneymakers
had to start somewhere. And everyone was a "newbie"

Here's a suggestion.

It relates back to the point at the end beginning of this
article. If one of the big moneymakers sends you an
advertisement. Read it! And if you have the opportunity,
subscribe to their ezine. You won't be sorry. They want
to share their knowledge and success. That's how they
became a major player in the first place.

An alternative is to subscribe to the ezine of someone
who may be more modest in internet stature, but who
has impressed you with their knowledge and savvy.
Maybe they are are a mid-level entrepreneur with a
home business web site. ASK what programs they
are having financial success with. Or what business
tools they frequently use. If you're a subscriber to
their ezine, it's possible they will only welcome your
questions, and your interest. If not - find someone
who will.

But in the end, don't expect someone else's efforts, or
someone else's advertising budget, to get you over.
And be wary of individuals who blanket the internet
with e-mail, and continually jump from program, to
program, to program. It's a fine line. Use your intuition.
You want a mentor. Someone who's willing to help, because
someone once helped them. But you don't want to waste
a moment with a "mass" recruiter/salesperson who's
only out for the quick first-run commission, and who
doesn't care at all about his/her customers, or downline
if they are involved in an mlm-type business.

So, just use common sense. And remain undeterred in
your goals, whatever they may be. Because in the end,
your ultimate fate on the internet will be determined on
the basis of your resourcefulness, doggedness, and
how unaccepting you are of failure.

About the Author

C.J. Hill is the publisher of "The Entrepreneur's Sunday
Ezine." You may subscribe at
or send
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