Instant Time Management

There's never enough hours in the day to get everything done. Or is there?

I'm a normal guy. I like watching TV and hanging out with friends. Like most online business people I also enjoy avoiding the work I need to do. Well... what do I mean by that? The reason I wrote this article is because this morning I found myself "busy" doing nothing. I know that's a contradiction in terms.However if you examine your current working day you'll see exactly what I mean.

Business people tend to spend more of their time checking up on how their business is doing and less time actually developing their business.

How often each day do you do each of the following?

Check you commissions on Commission Junction, Clickbank

Searching for another "quick fix" to your marketing problems or website traffic issue?

Buying the "miracle" ebook you just found, reading the first few pages and realizing it's the same you information as the last ebook you bought on affiliate marketing?

Checking the stats for your website to see how many hits or unique visitors you have?

Brainstorming another niche market idea without having fully developed the last niche marke you discovered?

Reading email and surfing the web?

Drinking/making coffee and taking cigarette breaks?

These are just examples of things we all do. I'm not saying they're wrong (well except for the miracle ebook - there's no such thing). We do, however, need to be aware of how we actually spend our day. Are we building our business OR just thinking and worrying about how we're going to build
our business?

It's important to focus on what's important each day. Pick one task that you need to work on. Focus on that and complete it. Now move on to the next task and deal with it the same way. Otherwise you wind up with a dozen half finished jobs which is so very disheartening.

The basic motto is start something and stick with it until it's done. There's a huge feeling of satisfaction in planning a task, following through on it and then observing the results. Try it.

About the Author

Niall Roche is the content author & owner of which reviews and tests affiliate marketing products