Internet Business We all want to succeed !

Have you always dream of owning your own Business and working in the comfort of your own home ?

As human we all want to succeed. We all want the best from life. We all want to be wealthy, to have a great house, to travel around the globe.

To have all of this you don't need to be a genius, have luck or to rob a bank.

All you need is that you use the power of faith wich means confidence. Confidence in yourself.

You also need knowledge. Like the adage: "Knowledge is Power".

But you must ACT. Knowledge without action is useless.

It's like having a recipe of a cake, without actually making the cake.

So to succeed you need to know what you want and after that act on it.


The first ultimate start to succeed with your home business is to write your goals and have a business plan.

Don't wait for everything to be exactly right to start...THERE WILL NEVER BE A "PERFECT" TIME!

Start now, with whatever you have. The things you need will come to you as you work toward your goal.

Let's talk face to face there is no easy way to succeed with your home business.

Talk to people who succeed in business like George Walton of wal-mart or other like Donald Trump.

They will tell you that it takes lot's of vision and determination. You have to be a man of action to really succeed.

Like i said there is no easy road. But of course you can succeed like me. You have to be persistant.

You have to build your business brick by brick. One step at a time. You start at the base of the ladder first.

Everyone who as succeeded in life have start at the base. Thats a fact of life. Like the man you are today, start as a baby.

Even the most dynamic, highest-earning entrepreneurs in the industry took MONTHS to begin seeing an income of any real significance.

And the real wealth, the $100,000+ income we all strive for, took an average of almost 3 YEARS to achieve!

Do you think ANY of these gentlemen don’t think the ends justified the means?Do you think for an instant that the months and years invested hasn’t been rewarded a thousand times at least?

You don't even have to think about it, do you?

So now you know ! It takes an average of 3 YEARS to build a significant income on the internet.

By never, never giving up you will reach your goal one day. One mile at a time. It's impossible that you won't reach it. Unless you die.

That's the only secrets to success. One client at a time. One step at a time. 100 client at a time. Until you reach thousand like me and make your $100,000 a year and +.

To make $100,000 a year, start by making $100 per month. After $200 a month. And after $500 a month. And after $5000. And so on and so on.

Day by day, your on your way to succeed, week by week your on your way to succeed, month after month your on you way to succeed, year after year your on your way to succeed.

Until you reach your goal in 3 YEARS. (Maybe less, Maybe More.)

We reap what we sow, but the harvest is never in the same season as the planting!

Today you are planting...and will be at least for the next several months.

Your harvest will come in time.

Be persistent. Be patient. Think long term.

Take action every day, (no matter how small) to build your business and you cannot fail.

Copyright © Michel Richer


This article may be republished in its entirety free of charge,electronically or in print, provided it appears with the included copyright and author’s resource box with live website link.

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About the Author

Michel Richer is the Business Manager and Webmaster of

He is DEDICATED to helping you succeed on the Internet. With over 10 years experience in internet business and a solid REPUTATION in the industry.
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