IPO Costs

IPO Costs
By William Cate
Published January 2000 [http://home.earthlink.net/~beowulfinvestments/] [http://home.earthlink.net/~beowulfinvestments/globalvillageinvestmentclubwelcome/]

The following data is taken from "Going Public" by James B.
Arkebauer (1994) and the IPO cost website at:

You should keep in mind that costs vary based upon the complexity,
the size of the underwriting and the history of the private company.

The following IPO costs would be reasonable for a company with over
$2 million in gross revenues and a 3-5 year operating history. A startup
company would pay less than half this estimate to do an IPO.
In some cases one or both sources acknowledge a cost listed below,
but fail to offer an estimate. In those cases, I've supplied an estimate
based upon my IPO experience.

Pre-IPO Costs$300,000
Legal Costs$175,000
Printing & Mailing$100,000
Market Prep Costs$90,000
Investment Bankers$50,000
Moody's or S&P$6,000
Blue Sky Fees$20,000 (California only)
Transfer Agent$2,000
Mgnt & Admin$200,000
SEC Filing Fee$5,000
Taxes$15,000 (Estimated)
Total$1,123, 000

Underwriting Costs

The underwriting cost is a function of the money raised in the IPO. The
NASD allow up to 18% in costs. If the gross revenue from the IPO is $10
million, this is an underwriting cost of $1.8 million.

Here's how the costs breakdown
Nonaccountable Expense 3%
Accountable Expense 5%
Discount 10%
Company supplied IPO buyers usually 50% (10%-90%)
Commission 5% - Its paid by the brokerage firm client and doesn't affect
the money received by the company.

Compare these costs with that of doing a spinoff. For a startup
company seeking a million dollar financing the cost is $150,000. For an
operating copy grossing over US$2 million, the cost is US$250,000.

If you want to arrange a spinoff or blind pool, contact me. We can
arrange a fee consultation.

To contact the author: Visit the Beowulf Investments website: [http://home.earthlink.net/~beowulfinvestments/] Or, visit the Global Village Investment Club Website:

About the Author

He has been the Managing Director of Beowulf Investments [http://home.earthlink.net/~beowulfinvestments/] since 1981 and is the Executive Director of the Global Village Investment Club [http://home.earthlink.net/~beowulfinvestments/globalvillageinvestmentclubwelcome/]